Very busy these past few days! We may finally have moved all our furniture in to the new apartment now.
I did a whole crapton of warm-up sketches two days ago.
Sword of Gryffindorrrrrr.
This scene is possibly my favourite part in all of the HP books. I have a hard time getting Harry to look the way I imagine him unless I do some serious planning first, so I'm not sure he looks like himself in this one.
And then, I can't remember if the shirtlessness is book canon or not, but I wanted to draw a bit of fabric fanning out, so he got shirted anyway.
Later on, I was drawing some male anatomy, and the pose reminded me of firebending. Before I knew it, I had drawn Firebender!Qui-Gon....
And then I wanted to draw water tribe Obi-Wan.
glockgal did I really great tutorial on
Drawing Characters of Color recently, and it inspired me to really push those features in this adaptation, since the cultures and ethnicities of Last Airbender are so rich and diverse.
IDK. I tried to retain enough of Obi-Wan's features, but at the end of the day, Nic looked over my shoulder and wanted to know why Qui-Gon was "molesting a bender". So perhaps my water tribe attempt wasn't the most successful.
And one of my flying Valistil boats. From that universe I totally have. That I draw things from.
also some 3D model in-progress stuff
The bird I was modeling earlier became a seagull.
I am catching up on almost two months' worth of Glee. I've still got a few to go, but damn yes "Never Been Kissed" and "Substitute" were good ones. Kurt is particularly adorable right now, too. ♥