Either This Is Relevant To The Interests Of Doctor Who Fans, Or I Am Slowpoke-ing Again

Jan 05, 2010 22:29

Something my mum pointed out that might be food for thought for you (very few) Doctor Who fans on the f-list:

The Master's four-beat drum rhythm is basically the same as the beat that the bass line has in the title theme song, amirite?

What she was specifically referring to though was the original theme song (as of ten seconds in), where the beat is much more distinct.

Nic says it's too simple and common of a pattern to really matter, and I guess he's right. Apparently Russel T. Davies says it was based on the sound of his alarm clock, LOL (WARNING: article contains SPOILERS for End of Time Part 2 and prior). Nevertheless, it's still kind of an amazing coincidence.

Note: I tried to find a clip from The Sound of Drums/Last of the Timelords that succinctly explains the drum-beat so that those of you who are not Who fans could see what the hell I'm talking about, but all I can find are fanvids. YouTube is made of fail.

Other stuff:

These look pretty similar, but the second one actually does have more branches. It does, I swear! :P

doctor who

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