Dec 30, 2009 00:06
I had a nice quiet Christmas with the family this year, as per usual. Mum made roast duck, plus pork and fried rice and other tasty things and it was delicious. ♥
My parents got me some DVDs I'd been after and a Dr. Horrible calendar. I now have the entire series of Avatar: The Last Airbender on DVD which I am very happy about.
On boxing day Nic basically decided I was going over to his place for a few days and came to pick me up. :P
We played a lot of Super Smash Bros. Apparently I've won him over to the greatness that is Peach bitch-slapping and a-cha!-ing everyone else in the face, so I guess that's something to be proud of.
His sister is home for the holidays, and the three of us went shopping in Berkeley. There is a really cool little hat shop in Berkeley, guys! I can't believe I didn't know about it!
I bought Nic a white fedora that he's been wanting for some time, and he bought me A REAL INDIANA JONES HAT, BITCHES. I've been lusting after this exact hat for so long. ♥ I am going to wear it ALL THE TIME.
Nic also bought this black top hat that looks amazing on him.
We both went to see Avatar (not to be confused with The Last Airbender :P). Guhhhhhhhh this movie is spectacular. The visuals are absolutely stunning. There were a ton of things initially that I thought I wasn't going to like about the film (the premise, the way-too-blatant anti-imperialist message, even the designs for the wildlife that I'd glimpsed in the trailer I didn't like very much) but absolutely none of those things mattered because as a whole the movie comes together so perfectly in a way that makes you believe the entirety of cinema has been leading up to its release.
During a film, I am usually a total fangirl for actors I liked in other things, but this movie completely distracted me from that. I didn't even recognize Zoe Saldana until her name showed up on the credits, haha.
It's like everyone says: if you like film, if you like art, hell, if you like looking at pretty shiny things, you owe it to yourself to see this movie. In a theater. Preferably in 3D. You will regret it so much if you don't. :0
I have a bit of Christmas/birthday money left after all these excursions. Rather than buy video games (as I am sorely tempted to do), I'm going to save it all up until I at least have a stable job. Responsible Jo is responsible!