Just time for one last rant before I commence with killing myself studying for Japanese final.
I was drawing a silly fandom-crossover piece for
fanart100 today. The prompt was "square". Naturally, being a FF nerd, I made avail of a blatently obvious pun and tried to find a Final Fantasy couple vaguely parallel to Obi/Qui.
But in sketching out this image I had an epiphany: Star Wars and Final Fantasy are exactly the same thing. Okay, so I've had musings about this before, but I never realized how deep the analogy really ran until now...
So we begin with FFX. Which, as I've said before to lots of people, is Star Wars:
Auron/Obi-Wan: Tidus/Luke, Sin/Vader is Ject/Anakin, a.k.a. YOUR FATHER!!!!1one!!
Tidus/Luke: NOOOOES!
Auron/Obi-Wan: And I am also teh!undead.
Tidus/Luke: TwT;
So I couldn't really draw Obi/Qui as Tidus/Auron, because that's not the way the story goes, right?
So instead, I drew them as FFVII's Cloud and Aerith(/Aeris/whatever).
So I was all like "cool beans. Obi/Cloud will emo because Qui/Aerith is tragically and ironically slain by Maul/Sephiroth plus, I get to draw Qui in a pink dress."
And ZOMG the Force = the Lifestream, and some other stuff...
But what makes it all the more strange is that FFX is, on a very subtle level, the prequel to FFVII. Because of Shinra, and wanting to harness the energy at the planet's core! D:
So now the prequels = the originals, but both prequels were made after their respective sequels, and so are DOOMED to repeat one another over and over in a vicious cycle for all eternity.
And the best part is, neither of them can be blamed for "copying" the other, because while the Star Wars original trilogy came before FFX and X-2, FFVII also came before the SW prequels, and so they are simply two sides of the same coin.
...Or, as there are so many of them, the same side of two coins. X3;
Anyway, I'll post the drawing once it's all properly coloured up. Right now it's still in insanely!messy sketch form. >o>;