I am not sure how to feel about this film Post Grad that is coming out soon..
"Ryden Malby graduates from college and is forced to move back into her childhood home with her eccentric family, while she attempts to find a job, the right guy, and just a hint of where her life is headed."
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1142433/ Yes, LOTS of people are in this situation right now, myself included. Does Hollywood really think the solution is to make a movie about it?
They seem to be trying to say "don't worry, jobless recent-graduates, it will be alright," but what they're actually saying is that life is terrible, and we need to be made to feel better about it, dammit. And then, what, if we all find twu wuv in the end, our financial situation won't matter anymore? Romance, even meaningful romance is not a stand-in for a career. They are two completely separate parts of a person's lifestyle.
In keeping with the point that this movie is trying to establish, I am never going to pay to see it, because hey, I don't need money to enjoy all the wonderful stuff the entertainment industry has to offer, right?
And what kind of a name is "Ryden Malby", anyway?