(no subject)

Jul 13, 2004 11:27

Okay everyone this has nothing to do with anything. I just have to save this here for this one community.

Name: Brittany
Age: 15

f you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I would change all of the war and country diversity. Really the countires are acting like children. Some countires act better than other's. Then they get in a silly fight and the next thing you knwo they are dropping bombs on each other. We really need to get over ourselves and just be...nice.

Who is your favorite Hogwarts teacher? Professor Severus Snape. I love his mysterious aura. He doesn't take crap from people. He treats Harry the way he should be treated, like a student. He doesn't drool over his robe hems or give him whatever he demands. He lets people know what he requires. You know not to get in the way of him. He's also a spy. He risks his life on a daily basis for a lot of people he despises, because he knows it's right.

Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter? Hermione. She's got her priorites set straight. The girl knows what she wants. I love her intelligence. She studies non stop because she wants to be successful in life. She doesn't want to be some stupid bum. She saves her friends numerous times with her brain. She won't stand by and watch someone get hurt. She stands up for herself and she's proud of her family.

Who is your least favorite character in Harry Potter? Cho Chang. Again all she
did was cry and flirt and then cry and make people feel guilty.....and then cry. I hated in the third book where she flirted with Harry and tried to distract him! She could have made him slip off his broom and fall to his death! She certainly got over Cedric's death awfully fast. She did cry about it alot but the over about 2-3 months she goes right to Harry and starts to sweet talk him. Her boyfriend dies so she goes to the kid who saw his death. She needs to get herself sorted out.

What makes a person respectable? Many things make a person respectable. Harry is respectable because he has saved people's lives many times. Severus is respectable because he is good at what he does. He also saves people. You know to respect him. So I guess if your a hero you're respectable. You could be like Hermione and save just a friend and still become respected. You could save yourself and then respect yourself. As long os you save someone that makes you respectable.

What is your take on religion? Touching subject but here I go. I think religion is the most important thing in the world. I've heard some people ask why someone would spend there whole life trying to prove themselves to a God that may not even be real. That is our goal in life. To prove ourselves worthy of going to heaven. If that's not it are we just sent here to live and die? What is the point? How do you explain miracles. My grandmother was on her death bed with the most serious case of ovarian cancer three years ago. She visited me one week ago and she is as healthy as ever. That's not luck.

What do you think about house elves? I love house elves! For good and bad reasons. They do your work for you. You don't have to clean up after yourselves or do chores. You have a house-elf to do that for you. They enjoy it though so it's not really bad. I love them for a good reason because personaly I find them adorable. Dobby is cute with his little hat and sock fetish. He is so willing to help anyone.

What do you look for in a friend? They need to have a sense of humor. I think that's the most important thing. I also would want an honest and trustworthy friend. I would also need an understanding friend. A lot of things go wonr for me and they would need to understand that. Having a friend that has experienced that same things that I have would be good too. That way you could always talk to them about it. I would also want a friend with the same interests. If they don't like HP they are going to get pretty bored with me talking about it all the time.

Would you rather have friends and family or money and success? That's a hard one. Sometimes I just feel like a would rather be alone in the world and be an author or actress. Sometimes people just don't understand and I get feed up with them. I have barely any friends now so it wouldn't be that much of a loss. My family is important to me but we fight a lot and my parents are wealthy. I always have to uphold an image for them and that makes me furious. So I guess I could go either way with that.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? The way I look . I find myself ugly. My sister is perfect and skinny and I'm well....not. I would love to be able to wear a skirt to school and not feel ashamed. Either that or I would want to be better. By that I mean that I wouldn't want to be depressed anymore. I would want my pills to be taken away and not have to go to a therapist every week. It gets tired after a while and I wish it could just go away.

What do you feel is your best quality? My best quality is writing. I am really proud of my writing ability. I love to put my thoughts onto paper. I think it's a gift to be able to create a world and put it onto paper. I can easily do that and people enjoy my writing. I find it an escape from the world now. It's my own little fantasy world that I can create.

What are your hobbies? My hobbies are either writing or reading. I love writing, as I said above. I love reading. It is so easy for me to get caughe up in a good book and just read for hours. That's my escape so it makes me feel better. I find it amazing that someone can trap a person into their words so easily.

Do you want to have children? I guess. I'm not really looking forward to it. I hate small children. All they do is scream and they depend so much on you. I can barely take care of myself, let alone another human. If I ever get married my husband would probably want a child so I guess I could have one, although it would suck.

Have or would you give time and money to a charity? No probably not. I know it's a horrible thing to say but I will probably be broke and working full time. I haev before and it wasn't thrilling. It's a nice gesture and I'm glad so many people do give money and time to charities.

If your friend was attacked (by a person, animal, or (in the magic world) beast), what would you do? I would fight that person/thing away. I wouldn't let a creature hurt or kill my friend. I know that my friend would do the same thing for me.

What is the one thing you would most like to accomplish? I would love to have my books published. I've been writing a book for some time now and I would love for people to know my name and know that I really can write. Either that or I would love to be in a movie. I take drama and it's exciting to be a different person. If you don't like yourself you always have this other person you can be on stage.

Who is your role model? This is going to sound clique but J.K.Rowling. That woman is amazing. She was poor and didn't have a terrific life and then she came up with this idea of a boy named Harry Potter and she turned her life around. She made it better and became one of the world's most best author's, in my opinion.

What trait most annoys you about other people? Posing. I hate how people act like something they aren't just so people will like them. I don't understand why they ould do that. Don't they want friends who like them for who they are? I wouldn't want to hang out with kids I hate. Just because they are popular doesn't mean they are better then me, so I want act like I want to hang out with them. I like my personality and my obbsesion and I'm not going to act like I'm really not.

What do you want to do for a living? I want to be an author or an actress. Those are my passions. i want to do a thing I like for my living and those are the two things that really make me happy. If know one knows who I am and I suck at both of them I still wouldn't change my mind. As long as I'm happy doing those things I will.

Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Yes. I wouldn't do them for fun. I would if I was defending myself or someone I love. I would also do if someone was a threat to me. If they had just murdered someone I loved *cough*Sirius*cough* Then yes I would do an Unforgivable.

What house do you think DOESN'T fit you? (This question is optional for those who feel they just DO NOT fit in a house. Please explain WHY.) Hufflepuff. I don't think I would fit into Hufflepuff because I'm not that most loyal of people. I also think that I would fit into other's houses better then this one.

What do you think are your top five abilities or qualities? Writing. Like I've said before I love writing and I think I'm very good at it. Acting. I can be extremely dramstic and can fit into another person very well. Lying. I can tell a very believable lie. Most of the time people beileive me. Sarcasm. My friends always tell me I know what to say to someone to make them upset. Reading. I don't know if that is a quality but I can read OotP in two days flat. I'd say that's pretty fast.

Where did you find out about us? From hpbookfanselite.
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