Feb 28, 2011 00:26
Nope, still here. Lots of things have happened since last I've dropped a line here, some good, some great, some bad, and some truly sucking ass.
As some of you all knew, I was working at the intermediate security forensic mental hospital for Missouri (nut hut for the Ted Bundys and Jeffrey Dahlmers), that is I was up until 4:10 am Feb. 1, 2011.
I'd been diagnosed with complicated migraines several months before Christmas and at times when I have a bad one, I'll present symptems like a stroke victim. That was one of the worst ones that I'd had. I couldn't speak, I couldn't stand, I couldn't move anything on the left side of my body. The ward nurse called a Medical Emergency which brought the on call physican and security calling an ambulance.
When I was able to speak again, I wasn't making sense and wound up getting a lovely trip to the University Hospital for the second time in 5 weeks. Once again, all the tests for a stroke, the CAT scan, etc..., only to tell us that it's the complicated migraine... AGAIN.
My primary care doc is going ape because he can't get me in sooner to see a REAL neurologist to find out what's going on since there's only so much he can do and our local hospital isn't worth going to get a splinter out of your pinkie.
So I go see the head dr and he does all these tests and then asks me if I understood that I had permanent brain damage.
Apparantly with the type of migraines I have, they can last for days and I've had them last for over a week , the longer the headache lasts, the more the brain swells and the more damage is done. Great, huh? I thought so too.
So far it seems like most of the damage seems to be in my motor skills, speech center, and now it seems I've had several grand mal seizures.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining, I'm just shaking my head and wondering what's going to be next, you know what I mean?
Now for the good.
My job didn't fire me, I'm on FMLA, but they've decided that it would be too much of a liability to have me working on a ward, so their going to get me set up with Long Term Disability that is for State employees and that'll be about $1900 or so a month until I die, so that's a good thing.
My husband is standing beside me and trying his best to help me through everything. I hate the fact that I'll be talking and then I either say something completely off the wall or I can't find the word I need. I feel stupid and ashamed when I have to ask my 10 year old daughter what a word is in a book I'm reading. UH, hell, you all know who I mean, is right there to help me when she can, so is my oldest daughter. Not everyone feels comfortable with me driving and I'm not real comfortable doing it either unless I'm going over to UH's, it's a 10 minute drive and I have my cell phone and both she and the hubster know the way I go if I don't call or show up within 15 minutes.
Okay, I guess this is long enough for now and just to let you know, now I have time to write again, thank goodness!!!!!