Jan 25, 2010 20:17
I herd u liek mudkips>/s>
It's been a long while, guys. I'm very sorry; real life has gotten in the way (damn you, real life). But hey, here's your irregularly scheduled fail:
I was playing Fallout 3 yesterday and it takes place in post-apocalyptic Washington DC, so I'm walking along this nasty looking abandoned subway track underground. It's sort of spooky looking and it's all dark and shit, but I man up and it's fine. Then I see a baby carriage in the middle of the tracks and I'm like wtf is this doing here, GTFO of my way. I approach it and I hear a baby crying and I'm all like "aaaaaaw..... I'll save you, poor dear."
And then it blew up in my fucking face.
I literally jumped in my seat. And then I curled up into the fetal position and wibbled until the DDDDDDDD= and the scared out my mind feelings went away.
video games,
fallout 3