Mar 04, 2009 16:35
It was pretty damn high too and I had to throw on my hillbilly boots (but it has fur at the top, making it not hillbilly boots, but an urban and chic representation of the nostalgic remembrance of the more innocent days of agrarian societies. I'd make such a sexy modern artist) and go tramping in the snow. I'm pretty sure the snow was heavy enough to completely cover low top sneakers and make walking in them completely impossible. It was totally badass snow. 8D I felt really bad about making footprints all over the pretty snow though. XD
So I make it to the subway station and get in. The train goes along for a few stops uneventfully. Until this girl sitting across from me gets a phone call and she starts talking (in Cantonese too, for some reason) and is pretty much saying "What?! There's no school today?! ... Are you serious?! ... You know, it's your fault if there actually is school! I have a test to take, you know!" and says some other stuff along the same vein.
My expression at that time was pretty much >.> . So I called someone up and asked if there was school. And there wasn't. ;_; It was horrible. I think everyone on the subway turned to stare when I screamed out "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! I HATE THIS."
When I got back home, I theatened everyone on my AIM Buddy List that I was going to de-friend them on Facebook for not notifying me, but none of them took me seriously for some reason. Can't imagine why. =/
Also... Right on the side of the textbox I'm typing in right now... There's this ad for snorgtees and there's this picture of pi and square root of -1. Pi says "Get Real" and root -1 says "Be Rational". I giggled like mad. I feel like such a loser right now. XD