We interrupt your daily dose of anime fangasming for Square Enix fangasming

Oct 10, 2008 18:04

So, I promised a post on Final Fantasy XIII, didn't I?

I want Versus. I really, really want Versus. Too bad it's a PS3 exclusive and not on the 360 (here's to hoping, though). XIII looks pretty meh to me. I see a female Cloud, I see a white guy trying to be gangsta with a huge trenchcoat and a pigtails girl. Doesn't appeal to me, sorry. Not to mention they have ridiculously boring trailers. Scenery, scenery, and people walking. Doesn't really pull me into it. Of course, I will be getting it just because it's Squenix, and Squenix is almight God.

Now, Versus. First of all, amazing trailer. 1. hot, cool looking guy. 2. flying swords. 3. killing pawn soldiers in badass ways. 4. force field of swords that deflect bullets. 5. force field of swords that deflect cannons. 6. killing soldiers while jumping down a skyscraper. 7. so fucking hot. 8. this pic (on the left. Although Lightning is looking very sexy too). It's so "I'm hot and sexy and fucking badass and I know it, bitch."

Oh, and the nameless price now has a name: Noctis. A bit cliche and not worthy of his GARness, but it'll do. I did hear about an interview where the producer was saying that he's not quite as gloomy as we think he is, and he's an extremely unique character never before seen in the Final Fantasy franchise. Interesting. I've always been fond of the silent, brooding hero archetype, but if they do things right, I definitely won't mind some change in the formula.

The blond skirt girl is Stella. Considering their names, I'm guessing Noctis and Stella (night and star) are going to have some relation to each other. I'm personally hoping they'll be a couple. Code Geass has made me fall in love with the whole plot setting of best friends on opposites side of a war. And we know that Stella is Noctis' enemy, but "would probably not be if circumstances were different." And lovers on opposite sides of a war = even more win (not that Geass didn't have its fair share of homolust a la CLAMP). I already have my fantasy story all planned out in my head (I could write the first FFXIII Versus fanfic; it'd come out before the canon, LOL): Noctis and Stella are lovers, get separated when their countries go to war against each other, meet each other on the batlefield, refuse to yield to the other due to ideological differences, have a badass and emotional fight scene which flashes between the fight itself and memories, last flashback is a kiss/promise/whatever meaningful thing you want and then Noctis kills her, and we have an awesome scene where Noctis mourns and reaffirms his conviction in his actions at the same time. Yes, I do show my favorite characters and pairings that I love them by wishing them tragic ends. And LOL, yes; I already have my favorite characters and pairing before the game even comes out. 'Cause I'm awesome like that. And you know, considering how often I say that...I should just make that the name of my journal. I doubt they actually will be a couple, though. There was an interview with the producer who said that romance would most likely not play a role in the game (I guess he's really trying to break away from the traditional FF mold, which has always had romance, even if it was just hinted at), and if it does, it wouldn't be in a sense that we would expect. Not quite sure what that second part would mean, but I'm guessing that romance will take a backseat. But hey, there's a hot guy, I'm told there's going to be an extremely dark and emotional and realistic story...so I'm totally game.

And while I'm talking about FFXIII... I was reading this thread a while ago where some PS3 fanboys were complaining about how Square Enix was brushing them aside in favor of the Xbox 360. It's a debate that's been going on for a while, but those fanboys still piss me off. For those not too updated with the video game industry: Square Enix, which has mostly been producing games for Sony's consoles since the Playstation (FFVII-FFXII + FFT + assorted spiin off series + assorted other video games/series), has been giving the Xbox 360 exclusive games and has generally been favoring them in terms of things like earlier releases for multiplatform games.

The Playstation fanboys are basically complaining that SE is selling out the fans and console which gave SE its fame and fortune, and that SE is being disloyal to its loyal fans.

To which I say: bullshit.

1. I don't even understand why loyalty to a console company exists. I'm a loyal fan of Square Enix because they persistently put out great games. But I don't understand how one could be a Sony or Microsoft fan. Sony has only made three consoles -- it's not like they've been consistently putting out good consoles (in fact, the original Playstation is a weaker system than the Nintendo 64 and is terrible at 3D rendering) like SE has been putting out good games.
2. SE has gained its position in the gaming world by its amazing programmers and artists and business managers. It has shit to do with Sony or the Sony fans who "made it popular in the first place". It's true that the FF series probably would not have sold as well on the N64, but it's not like the fans were giving SE charity money to start their company. And this brings us to the next point.
3. I don't profess to be a longtime gamer who's been around since arcades were popular, but I do know at least that the Final Fantasy series started on the Nintendo, and it was on Nintendo consoles for the first six games. Because the N64 was not having as good sales and also because it wasn't so good for cutscenes, SE decided to "betray" Nintendo and go with the Playstation. I don't see the Sony fans complaining about that, and I don't see the Nintendo fans whining about how there isn't even one SE game on the Wii.
4. Before SE is a video game producer, it is a business. It's not some non-profit organization that wants to bring joy into your home. It wants money, and the PS3 market has no money. And it particularly pisses me off when the fanboys complain about how there are "shady" business deals going on between Microsoft and SE. So what if there are? That's called good business sense. Why is this morally wrong? It's like any other type of purchase -- Microsoft gives money, SE provides their service. It's only as morally wrong as auctions are. I'm sorry, but this is a capitalistic society. You're not getting video game welfare. It's Sony's own damn fault for being cheap and not buying exclusivity rights. They were being arrogant, thinking that gamers will just lap up whatever Sony comes up with next just because we loved the PS2. Microsoft was being smart when it bought rights to Halo. It's like buying insurance. If under the circumstance that the system itself is not as good as the others, Halo will come out on their system exclusively, which will pull fans in their favor. I mean, like, duh?
5. About releases coming out on the 360 earlier... There are much more 360 owners than PS3 owners. Who is it better to piss off?
6. There's the thing about FFXIII for the PS3 already being finished, but they're going to release it at the same time as the Xbox 360. I think this is largely because if the PS3 crowd gets it first and doesn't happen to like it, that will affect the opinion some 360 owners who may decide to not get it after all. On the other hand, if they release at the same time, the 360 owners will already have bought it and played it for themselves. Not to mention SE likes their games all mysterious and "just trust me; it's going to be awesome," which wouldn't work too well if the PS3 owners spoiled the 360 owners.

And, yes, okay; rant over. With all that said; I don't care anyway. The PS3 fanboys can flame away. If it wasn't for my love of the PS2 and general dislike of Microsoft (more for their PC monopoly than anything else), I'd hope their system crashes and burns.

xbox 360, video games, ffxiii

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