Oct 13, 2003 02:44
Suddenly, everything went black and Joe was gone. She tried to scream, but could make no noise, the dim buzzing in her ears became human voices, then demonic voices, all taunting and mocking her. Before her eyes, the moon turned red, and then changed shape. As she watched in horror, a face began to emerge...a face she hadn't seen in years and hoped to never see again. She felt pain!
Out of the Bloody Moon, came the face of Wes Denike. Wings grew out of the face, and the face swooped down and circled her. Andrea quickly opened her purse and reached for the knife. "Oh shit... bread knife," she cried. She threw the inadequate knife at Wesley-bird as hard as she could. It went right through his face and split it in two...the knife sailing out into the desert, now lost to her.
A new demon emerged, circling with Wes. As it took shape, she saw Phil Green emerge, on the wings of a demon...Phil, who romanced her, then demanded she give her children to their father, Wesley, and turn tricks for him the night after they were married, and beat her up when she refused. Andrea looked back in her purse, and pulled out the small hammer. "Why didn't I listen to Joe and carry the gun?" she asked herself. A snake crawled through the desert and slithered up her naked body. As it moved for her heart, she saw the head of Richard, the prison snitch who had betrayed her. She brushed off the snake, and slammed it's ugly head with the hammer. "At last a woman shall crush it's head," she thought. Joe would be so proud of her! But, all the demons were appearing, and the pain was unbearable!
Yet another demon emerged from the moon, and quickly took the form of Derek ("Derelict") Conte, riding on a flying yellow Fiat...her stolen little car! She swung wildly with the hammer, but managed to catch something. Conte splattered, but re-formed along with Robert Sand. Sand flew around screeching "You killed me, you whore!" She cried back at him, "No, I didn't kill you...your play friends killed you, raped me, and left me to take the blame!" But, as if on cue, Manuel, the gardener from the Springs complex, and who had been spying on her...probably even now, flew out of the moon on wings. Three wild hogs emerged from the sage bushes and began to bite and gnaw at her side. How long could she fight them? Their faces were those of two of the investigating police, and Betty Jo Crane, a nosey neighbor who had been talking to the Assistant DA. More pain!
Finally, the moon itself began to descend from the sky. It was coming straight at her. It slowly changed shape again, and she could see it was becoming the worst of all the monsters! It was moving in for the kill, and she had only seconds to live. As it came closer, she saw it was now a winged James Stafford Hawkins, the malevolent prosecutor who had sworn to destroy her. Hawkins jaws were wide open, with sharp fangs dripping saliva. She could smell the putrescence on the creature's breath. Her strength nearly gone, she drew the hammer back one last time to strike a feeble blow before she was killed.