I've jump the shark, possibly. Okay, not that anyone is actually reading this. I haven't updated in so long [seriously] that I'm positive my small following has dwindled to nill. But, I'll defend myself by saying that I've been drawing and painting a lot more, which I think is using all of my creative energy and desire. I've also been writing a graphic novel.
I believe those points, my own laziness notwithstanding, have caused me to seriously neglect this site.
However, let me show you something I've been working on tonight. I'm
eCommerce'd, Baby!
I created a little online store where folks can buy shirts and shit with my cartoons on them. Over the last few weeks I've been working on some killer shirt designs. KILLER! Unfortunately, those aren't ready for you yet. But take a look at what I've got and see if there's anything you fancy. I'm currently featuring one of my fav creations, Dr. Hypno. He's badass!
If you want to purchase anything, let me know via email, and I'll get it for at cost. I really hope this pans out and, even more than that, I hope you like what you see.
Shameless promotion.
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