Aug 30, 2009 08:37
I was just reminded that I am getting old when my soon to be 18yr old sends out a reminder that her birthday is coming up. I am not old enough for an 18yr old, soon to be college freshman or a step-gramma. I want to know where all my good years went. Oh yea, they were spent raising said 18yr old. I LOVE YOU Ravenscara.
Oh Well on to other things.
I just wanted to give a great big pimpage to Karen Marie Moning. Her Fever series is awesome. It is totally different from her highlander series. It is about the fae (fairies) and is sent in Ireland. I started the first book a week ago Friday and am already on the third book. They flow one into the other and the romance factor is low. You don't know what will happen around the corner but you do know that it's not pretty. I have to wait for the fourth book for it just came out in the middle of this month. When I say that I am reading a book it means that I listen on audio for I have dyslexia and A.D.D. so some times it's hard for me to concentrate.
Her books in order are:
and coming soon Shadowfever
I will be having a hellish week at work so everyone else enjoy.