Jul 29, 2003 01:29
-missed the tokyo rose show tonight.
-missed nicks (hearts to handguns) &sensefield show friday.
-4 days until summer really starts. fuck summer school.
-i got a C- last session, in algebra 1b. DUMB!
-stretched my ears.. haha. ones a 10, and ones a 6.
-went camping behind roberts house in that waterway thing.. with trevor and robert. but i had to leave at 1. so, sort of camping..
-theres a bonfire wednesday. if anyones interested....
-going to sacramento with jessie on monday, for four days.
one: buy further ticket.
two: buy rocket summer ticket.
three: get a job... where? help.
four: get cd player fixed.
five: make new journal layout. help again?
six: read keeping the moon.
seven: stop being so moody. ()sorry()
eight: get sunglasses fixed!!
nine: buy some new bras.
ten: get a camera.
ps. stop it. i love you.