
Mar 14, 2010 20:48

So this is probably where I should post that meme that's going around, or post about how my trip went, or dork about Soul Silver, OR talk about the insane dreams I've been having, but this is... a lot more important and something I've been thinking about posting for a while now so, here goes.


Right now. I really want to know where I stand with you guys. Okay, maybe not right now. You don't have to drop what you're doing and type a huge long comment, but if you could just tell me straight up, how you honestly feel about me, what you honestly think about me as a friend or person, I would really appreciate it. Anon is on and this is a public entry, and comments are screened too, if you feel more comfortable about doing it that way, I don't care, I just. Really really would like to know.

And. If it turns into a big flatterfest or I see this ending up all over my f-list but me not getting any comments, I will A: be annoyed and B: probably delete this because this entry alone has loads of negative things you could point out about me, and if you're turning it into the next big meme without even dropping me a "I like you because you gave me something to post tonight" I'll be, well, annoyed!

I don't care if it's a sentence or a few words, it could be anything. "I like ____ about you", "I don't like it when you do____", "You're annoying when you _____", etc. And for those of you I don't talk to enough, well, we should talk more!! But if you feel we don't talk enough or we haven't known each other long enough or something else to reply to this, forget about it. Don't worry. But if you do think you have something to say, or you just DO have something to say, especially if it's negative, please for the love of all that is and will be and won't be, tell me about it.

And yeah. I think I'm done here, so I'll post this now.
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