life goes on

Jun 18, 2009 20:52

so today i locked my keys in the car while i was at brendan's. i kinda knew that when my driver door broke in the winter that i would lock them in. too bad it's the one day that my mom is sick in bed and i had no way to get the spare! all is well though because brendan gets out of work soon and he is going to bring me back to his house to get my car.

my summer class is almost over! next thursday! it was supposed to be the hardest course, being my capstone and all, but taking it in the summer has made it a lot easier. i have been getting more hours at work. i finally got a raise too! God has definitely answered my prayers. i have my $200 property tax on my car due soon, so we will see how God will work in my life with that one too.

i am getting more and more excited for me and brendan's anniversary. since the 12th is another preview service for catalyst church, we will have to get up really early and spend a lot of time doing that. i think for now we are going to do something cute like a picnic on that day. then the next day we are going to new haven to go to the peabody museum (with discount passes) and get dinner. today we talked about gifts to get each other, and his ideas for me are so good that i don't even want to tell anyone. because it will be surprising and sweet and great.

sometimes lately i think about ally. i have been going through the faces in my iPhoto. her face pops up a lot and i tag her. last summer, after LP ended, it kinda seemed like she was just here, but i wasn't seeing her. then after summer went on, it felt like she went to camp or something, but i would see her when she got back, not like she has passed and is in heaven with the Lord. we drove through durham to get to wallingford last weekend, and it's like we don't even drive that way anymore. there is no reason to i guess.

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