
Aug 30, 2008 22:48

i really regret not updating more this summer. maybe this school year i will update more. okay, so last summer was the best summer and i had a lot of fun. this summer hardly compares. i feel like i spent a lot more time alone then i wanted to or even expected it to. i think last summer was the best because i met brendan and made tons of new friends. i also didn't have a job for awhile, and neither did brendan, so we had no responsibilities. however, this summer was just what i needed and i am so bummed it's ending.

i went to michigan for my dad's wedding in june. i went to new jersey this month to see my cousins. i went to boston. i went to new york city. i celebrated one year with brendan. i went to a few sick shows. i went to six flags. i went to the beach 3 times. i saw fireworks many times. my boyfriend's car got stolen and he was without a car for almost 2 months. i lost a friend, ally palmisano, who was a beautiful and amazing person. LP ended and the church plant is in full swing. i guess those were the big things.

there were so many little things that i could have updated on. we went on crazy adventures really late at night. i went to crazy towns i've never heard of. i stayed up past 3am sometimes. i got to sleep in a lot and i got decent hours at work. i am glad i got to spend time with friends and just live life without anything holding me back.

now school is starting on tuesday and i am moved into my dorm. goodbye social life. after this semester, i will have 2 semesters left. that's my motivation. summer is great and i love the heat, but fall is the best. i can't wait for the new season and foliage and pumpkin picking and fairs and cute warm clothes. and just being able to do it all again with brendan. i love him a lot and i feel blessed to be with him. and that's pretty much it.

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