ART: SGA icons, humorous + game

Dec 22, 2005 15:42

I've been tagged by maria8475. Basically, you get a word and you write a stream of consciousness thing for five minutes using your word.

Hands: I have very small hands. All the better to paint with, I have very precise control over the paintbrush or pencil. Hee. I have a little round scar on my left hand - a burn scar caused by burning plastic. That hurt.

I love hands on other people. I'm endlessly intrigued in them. Size and proportion of fingers and palm, size and form of fingernails. I'm squicked by the veiny hands all men seem to have. Oh, and I adore clear laquered nails.

5 mins up.

authoressnebula: eyelashes
barefootatkheb: pillows
natas_amsg: kisses
darkmoon711: blankets
bibliokat: tickling

Some SGA icons:

icons, sga, quiz, art

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