FIC: Private Porn Olympics 1-5, NC17, Foursome

Nov 06, 2005 02:41

Title: Private Porn Olympics
Author: Severusslave
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sheppard/McKay, Heightmeyer/OFC
Words: 3840
Note: + Written for jo_zed_pee_em as comment porn here: THREAD
+ This is porn. Foursome porn. Well, later on. Detailed Pairing Info: See Lj-cuts.

Her: You know you should really write a fic about SGA Smut Olympics.
Me:...It could be some Shep-centric smut drabbles. Whoring himself through the expedition. Hmm, hmmmm...

Private Porn Olympics.
Self-pleasure, twosome, threesome, orgy, het, gay and lesbian sex.

*clears throat* Alright! *wiggles fingers*

It had been late at night when John had the idea for a Private Porn Olympics. He thought about what disciplines he'd establish as he jacked himself off, half bored, half inspired. Well, jacking off for one, and sweet regular, normal hetero sex. Gay sex and lesbian sex, too, although he wasn't sure on how he'd manage the last one... Threesomes, oh yes, three people in one bed together was an absolute must! Or even more people, oh, yes, oh, an orgy.
John cradled his balls in his second hand and rolled them gently together, which of his colleagues he'd seduce for the completion of his Private Porn Olympics. He was interrupted by the orgasm that crushed through him.

The next morning John woke up to the distinct feeling that he probably forgot something bi- Oh! Oh yes, sex sports. Well, he'd already played the field in the discipline of self pleasure last night. As well as the night before that and the night before that night and so on and so forth. John sighed.
Alright, so what discipline was next on his private agenda? Normal, hetero sex. Well, John thought, he should be able to find a woman who was perfectly fine with some one night stand with him. Just... whom should he address?
The first woman that came to his mind was Dr. Weir and John shook himself. Never ever sleep with your boss! And anyway he still thought of the woman as Dr. Weir, not a good base for any sexual relations. So, hmm, women? Teyla. Yeah, as if. He liked his balls where they were now, than you very much.
Hmm, he liked the way one of Carson's nurses looked like. She was all supple curves and full brown curls. Not to mention that she had the best bed side manners. John sighed dreamily.
But no, better not fuck up his relationship to his favourite nurse! Infirmary time could be much, much worse, just look at McKay. John shuddered.
Oh, of course, the shrink! Yes, Kate Heightmeyer would do nicely. She probably would be glad about the fact that John wanted to let off some steam.
That night as he stumbled through Kate's door while still fumbling with his jeans' button-fly he thought that he had made an excellent choice in partner when it came to hetero sex.
Kate was way more kinky than he had thought she would be, that had to come from all the things she had to listen to in all those years earning her keep as a psychiatrist. Phew!
He shifted his package to the right side inside his jeans, in all likelihood he was going to have bruises on his cock.
That woman could suck cock! Wow.
John stumbled along the corridors and finally made it to his own quarters. Discipline #3, a threesome, had to wait a day or two, my God. He slumped down on his own bed and fell asleep almost instantly, snoring silently.

It had been a week since his late night tumble in the sheets with Kate. She did not avoid him after their encounter or talked bad about him or his performance behind his back like some past girlfriends of his have done and John thought that was very He had never thought of the woman as cool. But she was. Oh, was she ever!
Kate had contacted him just now and asked him, if he wanted to maybe repeat their encounter. 'The sex was too good to miss any opportunity for a repetition, don't you think so too, Colonel? Come over in about twenty minutes if you want to and bring supplies.'
He fully intended to come. So what, if this would disorganised his schedule, it was easy sex and John was going to enjoy it! Really.
He seriously thought that some sort of sex deity was on his side - possibly a naughty Ancient - as he entered Dr. Heightmeyer's quarters and found her naked on her bed.
Together. With another woman. Entwined around her.
John blinked, stepped outside the room again, looked to the left and to the right down the corridor, shook his head and re-entered the quarters.
Yes, lesbian sex right in front of him. And... And, apparently he was invited.
As he carefully sat down in a chair that stood at Kate's desk and began to undo the knots on his boot's laces, he looked closer at the two woman on the bed.
He didn't know the other woman all that well. He knew she was a scientist, but did not work with McKay, so she was probably working with the linguists or something like that.
She was pretty though, petite, with red short hair and covered in thousands of freckles.
John finished stripping off his clothes and folded them carefully before he put them on Kate's desk - he played for time and he knew it.
He took a deep breath and climbed on the bed. Kate immediately pulled him down for a kiss. So far so good.
He broke their kiss and let his mouth wander down Kate's body to meet up with the red-head between Kate's legs.
"Hi there, lovely, I don't think we've met before?" John whispered. The woman surprised him as she promptly captured his lips in a kiss that tasted wonderfully of Kate's juices and said afterwards, "No, we haven't." She kissed him again, "Now we have, Colonel. My name is Lucia, I'm Kate's girlfriend."
He grinned at her, he loved cheeky women. "Hi Lucia, what do you want me to do? And call me John, please. I think you're entitled."
Lucia grinned at Kate, who watched them both, and nodded.
"Lucia loves tongues, loves to be tongued. You up for that, John?" Kate asked. John merely lifted one eyebrow, Kate smirked.
"I thought so. So, I'm going to lay down and you enter me, pretty missionary up to now, you're with me? Good. Lucia's going to sit across my face, letting me have her. And you are going to rim her... Think you are able to do that?"
Seeing how John had clasped one hand around the base of his cock to stop himself from coming from Kate's lecherous whispering, she nodded and said, "I thought you might... Now, both of you, get on with it!" and she spread her legs even wider for them.
John and Lucia looked at each other for a second and then hurried to obey to Kate's wishes.
That night John didn't tumble to his quarters. He stayed the night in Kate's bed cuddled between two supple, plump women. Hmm, he thought, this has to be gold in two disciplines.

John laid on his stomach on the weird alien bed and was bored. Now, he did not hate the fact that he was bored, quite the opposite. Bored was very fine with him on missions. No one shot at them, no religious rituals, no weird customs of the people they were supposed to start trading negotiations with.
Still, John was bored.
Teyla was gone with some of the women to a bathing house doing women things with them and, an was he bored, he didn't even think about wanting to be with them, or just watch them. John sighed.
Ronon was chatting up a woman. And, John thought, he was quite successful at it. John sighed.
Rodney was gushing over a piece of Ancient technology in the room next to John's. John could here him talk to it. McKay was weird. John sighed and flopped over on his back.
He knew that in another ten minutes he was probably going to join McKay over there. Hmpf.
Ach, what the hell. John stood up and went over to McKay's room, he entered it without knocking and threw himself on McKay's bed.
"Oi! Sheppard, that's my bed!" Rodney protested more sharply than he would have hadn't the Colonel startled him out of his musing.
John looked over at Rodney and whined, "McKay, I'm booored. Entertain me!"
Rodney sputtered. "Entertain you? You wish!"
"I really do, McKay, you couldn't imagine how bored I am." John sighed and Rodney thought that John was a good actor because that sounded like he was almost dieing.
"Try me, I've got to put up with you." Rodney quipped.
The fact that the Colonel didn't immediately answer with a whine made Rodney look up from the small device in his hands.
Sheppard wore a strange look on his face. Like he assessed Rodney in some kind of way. Rodney felt uncomfortable all of a sudden.
"McKay, put down that thing."
"Why? Oh my God, is something wrong with it? Why didn't you say so earlier? What did it do?" Rodney said and hurried to put down the thing and to be as far away from it as possible while still staying in the room.
Suddenly, he found himself on his back with a wiggling Air Force Colonel in his lap. Huh.
"Ehm, Sheppard? What are you-" and the man pressed his lips onto his and exploited his open mouth to slip his tongue inside Rodney's mouth.
"Wait, Colonel! What-" and he was silenced again by John. "McKay, what would you prefer? Sex? Or talking? Hmm?" Sheppard asked him.
And he really didn't give him time to answer, he just went on a began to strip Rodney of his clothes.
Rodney was still marvelling about the fact that Sheppard was kissing him and asked for sex with him as the man did the unthinkable and swallowed Rodney's cock down his throat and... fucking... kept it there!
He distantly heard himself voicing the most pathetic whimper and John's answering chuckle. A chuckle that fucking vibrated all around his cock head and. And...
Rodney tautened, shot his semen down the Colonel's throat and spasmed through two full-body shudders as John swallowed his come quickly.
Rodney slumped back onto the mattress and gulped for air while the Colonel licked his cock good-bye and stripped off his own clothing.
"Oh, okay. Sex. Sex with you. Woah. What brought that on?" Rodney stuttered as he laid bonelessly on the bed and watched John carefully free his cock from the confinement of his boxers.
John looked at him and shrugged. "I was bored, I told you before. Now, move over, Rodney."
And Rodney just did that, overwhelmed by the man's presumptuousness. His face must have worn a stunned look as John elaborated further as soon as he laid next to Rodney on the bed, "Look, I'm bored, we could have sex, any problem with that?" Rodney shook his head. Problems with sex, really, he was a genius. "Good. Now, look, this can be a one-night-stand, this can be the start of a fuck buddy relationship, and if we find out that we really fit together, this can evolve into a real, exclusive relationship later on, if we want it to. But now, sex. Alright?"
Rodney nodded numbly and John nodded in a satisfied way.
"Good. So, seeing as yours is currently quite happy...," and the Colonel patted Rodney's cock gently, "...and mine really wants to be...," and he jerked his cock twice, "...what do you suggest we'll do about it?"
Rodney blinked at John, then asked, "Lube?" and wiggled his ass a bit.
John looked thoroughly crestfallen all of a sudden, "No lube." And John sighed.
"...sunscreen?" Rodney proposed after a second. John looked at him and and quirked an eyebrow. "Have you ever had sunscreen mixed with come up your ass, Rodney? It's not something you would want, believe me."
"Oh, okay." Rodney conceded quickly. "What do you want then, Colonel?"
"Call me John, Rodney, I just had your cock in my mouth. Hmm, I want your mouth, I think."
Rodney sputtered again.
"Ah, I take it you've never sucked a man off before? Surprising. I think you've got the most perfect mouth for it. Okay then, your hand?"
And Rodney couldn't believe how brazen Sheppard was. In a happy, bouncy puppy way. He nodded anyway.
How did he got himself into such situations?
"Great!" said John to him then and neatly climbed over Rodney's body until he was over him on all fours. The man looked at him full of expectation and with impossibly wide eyes and Rodney lifted his right hand to grasp Shepp- John's cock. Started to jack him off slowly.
"Yes, like that," John said and kissed him.
Rodney figured himself to be a little bit in love with John Sheppard from that moment on.

"Operation centre? Heightmeyer to Sheppard, private channel, please."
There was a clicking noise and then Kate knew that she could talk openly. "Heightmeyer to Sheppard."
She heard a rustling noise, then a few sharp exclamations and Sheppard's voice telling somebody to hurry the fuck up and get him his radio, now, damn it. Kate smirked at her girlfriend.
Ah, finally.
"Sheppard here. What is it, Dr. Heightmeyer?" John answered the call. He sounded a bit out of breath and his voice was weirdly strained.
"John, this is a private channel, I wanted to ask-" but she couldn't because she was interrupted by John gasping out a "Thank God!" and stretching out a deep, mewling moan.
"John? What is going on?" Kate asked and frowned.
"Oh, nothing, just... Ooohh, yeah, just like... that, hnnnngh." and heavy panting followed that.
Kate smirked at Lucia again and pulled her over to herself, "John? Who's fucking you right now?" Kate said, put one leg between Lucia's thighs and ground herself strongly against her.
Lucia gasped.
"What? Kate? What did you say?" came out of Kate's radio and again some panting followed and "Jesus, Rodney, wait a god-damned minute!"
Kate gasped and stared at Lucia. "Is that Dr. McKay with you, John? John? Never mind, we're coming over to your quarters right now. Heightmeyer out."
Lucia grinned at her, "The black thong, love?"
"Huh? Excuse me, what did you say, Kate? Oh, no, don't! ...Aah, shit." and John let his neck relax and his head slumped again into the pillow.
"What what is it?" Rodney then asked, sounding somewhat alarmed.
Much good that it did him do now.
"Nothing, you'll see, Rodney. Now, get back to it, please. Oh, and could you remove my radio from my ear again? ...Yes, thanks."
And a second later he stopped worrying about it as Rodney's tongue re-entered his ass.
The two women entered Sheppard's quarter very quietly, overriding the privacy lock using Kate's authorization code.
Lucia grasped for Kate's hand and squeezed it hard at the sight that they found on the bed.
They stood at an angle to the men on the bed. McKay wouldn't have been able to detect their entering the room, even if he wasn't at the moment busy and focused on licking out John's ass.
Which was high up in the air because of the way John was - restrained.
His wrists and his ankles were fastened together with two surprisingly professional looking leather cuffs. Right wrist to right ankle and left wrist to left ankle.
John's face was contorted in a grimace of pure pleasure, eyebrows high up and his lips parted in a mute moan.
He took a shuddering breath and opened his eyes. Saw them standing there and smiled a doped smile at them, then jerked and came with a loud, intense whine.
Kate cold barely see Rodney take a hold of John's cock and jerk him roughly to intensify his orgasm. To draw the pleasure out.
Then he sucked one last time on the glistening wet muscle, sat back and wiggled his jaw side to side, letting it jump back into it's proper place with a loud cracking noise.
"My god, this was easier on me when I was younger, Jesus..." Rodney mumbled and stretched his back, wincing at those cracks.
Lucia giggled.
Rodney whipped his head around.
Rodney's heavy cock bounced enticingly, Kate noticed and finished to calmly strip off her uniform.
"What the- John! What the hell?!" Rodney nearly screamed. Kate muffled any further protest by drawing him in a deep kiss.
John had been prepared for the rimming, she tasted only soap and McKay's flavour.
McKay was the one who broke up their kiss. "What the fuck? What's going on here? John?"
Kate turned Rodney's face to her again, "Hasn't ...slave-boy over here told you of us?" and she raked her left hand's nails over John's taunt back and right ass cheek.
"Slave-boy? You? No, he hasn't told me anything about you!" said Rodney and looked indignantly down at John's head. Or rather at a mop of sweaty black hair.
"How intriguing, seeing as he hasn't told us anything about you and him also. John?" Kate said sharply, "What's up with that?"
John only mumbled some nonsense into the pillow. As Lucia settled herself on the bed, Kate turned to Rodney as asked, "Those cuffs? They yours? How does one remove them, John's probably going to be cramping up soon."
"What?" Rodney seemed still to be flabbergasted by the absurdity of the situation. Kate enjoyed it in a sort of perverse way. "Oh, yes, they're mine. You just have to- Wait let me... do it..."
As soon as he was freed of the restrains John slumped over bonelessly on the bed and rolled over on his back. Grinned lazily up at them.
"Hi Ro'ney, hi Kade, hi Lushaa..."
"Hi John," Kate greeted him and stroked along his soft cock. It did not even twitch a bit.
Kate addressed Rodney, "You did a good job on him, Dr. McKay, I like that."
"You like- Wait a second. What is going on here?" Rodney stammered and then sat back on the bed and took a deep breath.
"If everybody, including you, agrees, this will be a nice foursome between friends. We are friends, aren't we, Rodney?"
"As if I would say 'No, we aren't friends' to a naked, blonde woman sitting in front of me asking me to participate in a foursome... Seriously, a foursome?!"
Lucia snickered again. Rodney looked at her, really looked at her for the first time tonight, and said, "I mean, I don't even really know you. Lushaa?"
Lucia pronounced her name correctly and then introduced herself properly. Her full name and profession and her status as Kate's girlfriend.
"Yes, Kate's girlfriend. Lovely, lovely girlfriend, Lucia." John babbled and Rodney leant over and poked him sharply in the shin.
"You have to be the most stubborn, close-mouthed bastard I have ever met! Well, after me!" Rodney huffed. Both Lucia and Kate giggled, Rodney flashed them a grin.
"'S why you love me, Rodney," John drawled and smiled at all of them with closed eyes.
And Rodney's eyes went wide for long, precious seconds.
Then he closed them and gulped. Rodney leant over and crawled up John's relaxed body to kiss him. Plunder his willing mouth and capture his whole attention.
Made his cock twitch again, too, Kate noticed notably impressed.
"Yes. That's why I love you," Rodney whispered onto John's lips and his words were loud and clear in the silence of the room.
Kate gasped softly.
John jolted into action. He grabbed Rodney, hauled him underneath himself and settled himself comfortably on his stomach.
Lucia struggled for her balance for a moment and then opened her arms for Kate who came crawled over into her arms.
John stared down at Rodney and his face changed expression so fast that Kate couldn't make out for sure what he was thinking at the moment. Then he again exploded into action and almost brutally kissed Rodney. Let his hands roam, no bustle on Rodney's skin as if he couldn't believe he was really there under him.
Then as abruptly as he had broken into action he stopped their kiss and sat up again.
He looked at the two women and said, "This... I want to celebrate this, is that okay?"
Kate nodded and Lucia answered with, "Yes, please." after she had dropped a kiss on Kate's blonde hair.
The three looked at Rodney who smiled up at all of them, put one hand on John's hip and lifted the other up to the general direction of the women.
Kate captured his arm in her hand and placed a soft kiss on Rodney's wrist.
All of a sudden Rodney felt small and fragile here with them, although he was easily the biggest person on this bed.
"I want- I just- Kate, would you hand me the lube, please? Thanks." John asked and coated his left hand with it after having been handed the bottle. He quickly coated Rodney's cock with it and smeared the rest along his ass crack.
"Would you?" John asked and held out the bottle for Kate to take it from him again.
Then he shuffled around and began to sit down on Rodney's slicked up cock.
Lucia wound her arms around Kate's body and slipped her fingers inside of the black thong Kate wore, rubbed little circles on her clit and teased her pussy with soft, teasing dipping strokes.
Both women watched John get comfortable enough to move around Rodney's cock, then began to crawl over the bed's surface. Lucia seated her knees besides Rodney's head and began to work John's cock up again, teasing with fingernails and alternately pumping it fast.
Kate looked over the three other persons and couldn't quite work out what she could - oh yes, that would work.
She climbed off the bed and walked around it. Prodded Lucia's hip and gestured her to move a bit side ways, to make space between her legs. Then laid herself next to Rodney, scratched his belly comfortingly once and held on to her girlfriend's hips and buried her face inside her crotch.
She felt John's left leg shift up and down next to her thigh and the hair on it tickled her. It made her smile.
Which made Lucia moan.
John knew that this wouldn't last long. Despite the fact that Lucia worked his cock and he had Rodney's up his ass right where he wanted it to be, he wasn't getting hard again and he felt that Rodney was close.
John opened his eyes and looked at Lucia and shook his head. She smiled and let his cock go and kissed him briefly. Then she saw to her girlfriend and bent over to suckle on Kate's pussy.
John briefly petted her head fondly and then concentrated on bringing Rodney off, sped up his movements and squeezed down.
As he finally felt his lover's come spurting inside him he toppled over towards him and cuddled up to him.
He was tired and it showed and the last thing he heard before he drifted off into sleep was the cute mewling noise Lucia made when she came and Rodney whispering, "I love you, John, you crazy dog." into his ear.
He grinned and bit Rodney's neck and fell asleep.

fic, sga

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