
Apr 10, 2011 19:09

Hi there,

long time no read. I've been insanely busy lately. Not with uni, no. Though, I probably should've been more than I was. No, I'm going to move.

In February, my flatmate Anne called our landlord and then the electrician because her main socket did not work anymore. Main socket because that's the only one near her computer and makeup mirror station.

Turned out, every single electric circuit in our flat (and probably our entire house, or even the whole block, ha!) is so outdated and old that we've lived in acute danger for the enitire time we've lived here. The circuits had been installed - according to two electricians - in the early 1930s. Which in Germany, or rather Cologne, Germany, means before WWII. And Cologne has been almost entirely destroyed during the war. Well, except our house, or so it seems. Great.

So, after some months of waiting and checking and thinking it over, our landlord has agreed to let us move out. Earlier than our 3 months time of notice, too. Nice! It's a good solution for all of us, we are able to leave without any hassle and they are able to renovate and overhaul the entire flat without having to worry about us, our furniture or our cats.

So, we're moving.

I'm still going to live in Cologne, I'm still in university, but I'm going to live further away from uni in a few weeks time. But the new apartment is nearer to my best friends in Cologne, so yay. :D

Plus, the new apartment is faaaaaar newer and nicer than this one. Our current house was built in 1901. *!*

First of May, 2011, I'll move to Mülheim, near Böckingpark and near the Rhine. Nice! I'll even have a bathtub, instead of just a shower. YAY!

Hmm. Maybe I remember to make before and after photos. I'll bet you'd like that.

A slight problem will be our kitchen, both the current one and the new one. Our old one is really run down and was the kitchen Anne's mother bought when Anne was born, so it is at least 22 years old. It will not survive another move. I'll have to buy a new one. Problem is, I don't have a lot of money.

At least, I have a washing mashine and a dish washer. My mom has this fridge in her cellar I can have, but it does not have a freezing box. My dad has got this newish standalone stove, I can have, that he's bought for my gandma before her dementia got too bad to handle alone. It should have been in use for only two years tops. Thus, all of the really expensive appliances are handled some way or other.

What I have to get for myself is:

Base cabinets
Wall cabinets
Wall shelves
A sink cabinet
Faucets and siphon

These basic things still will be expensive enough for me. I'm thinking that it will cost me about 400€, which is about 600$, if I get cheap, white cabinets you can buy. Still, this will almost rob me blind. :( Well, I'm not going to be broke, but if I want to eat and pay rent, then the next months are going to be tight.

Well, well.

That's about it for my update. See you!

anxiety, rl, wg, random other things

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