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Jan 06, 2011 12:34

Sylvester and New Year was - thank god - rather mellow this year. I offered up my kitchen for whetever my friends and I would do, and because of sudden workplace related disturbances (1.1.2011 8am shift whuuuut?! Nooo. :| ), Hannah&Olli and Fritzi&Björn weren't able to come. So we were but three peeps sitting around my kitchen table.

But it was so much fun! We played games, Uno, Kniffel and a really funny game of isketch. Lennart made lentilstew after Mama's recipe which was yum! Svenja brought a huge bowl of pasta antipasti which was very tasty - dried tomatoes, olives, feta cheese, and a very yum oil. I made garlic creamcheese dip and offered all the other snacks and cocktail ingredients. :)

Nice and comfortable evening.

Then, 4.1.2001, I went to Gelsenkirchen with Fritzi and Katharina. To shop in the newly opened Primark. Primarks are rare in Germany! It was a fun day, even though I bought less clothes and stuff then ever before on a Primark trip. I found a violett-petrol frock coat that made up for everything. Ahhh, love! :D

So, at the end of this post I have to include this one tune I simply can not get out of my head! It's house dancefloor stuff.

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holiday, rl, german, youtube, family, yay, shopping, music

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