Jan 30, 2010 02:41

Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:
Star Trek DS9

Name a (current) show you can't miss:
CSI Las Vegas

Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show:
Janeane Garofalo

Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
Der Clooney George. ._.

Name a show you can, and do, quote from.
Star Trek. Any show.

Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:
Errr. American Chopper? Hmm. Bob Ross.

Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song:
THE RESCUE RANGERS BITCHES! Also, Darkwing Duck, Gummibears, Löwenzahn, Scrubs, One Piece and THE NANNY!

Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:
Sendung mit der Maus

Name a TV series you own:

What is your favourite episode of your favourite series?
Hahaha, oh meme, you clearly suspect mono-otp-fandomish behaviour. EMMM. Timetravel kickass moments.

A show you mean to watch, but you just haven't gotten around to yet:
Stargate Universe

Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?
Omg, yes, TOS. Smallville. Heroes. DragonBallZ on TV, too damn sloooooooow.

Name a show you aren't interested in watching, not in the least:
Them bitches. Desperate Housewifes.

Name a show that's made you cry multiple times:
CSI. Also; rage at abusers.

Oldest TV show you like?
Star Trek TOS.

Newest TV show you like?

What do you eat when you watch TV?
Tea. Sammiches. Stuff.

How often do you watch TV?
About two hours a month. Maybe. And, yes, that includes watching .avis on the computer. Sometimes, though, I go on binges. Entire CSI LV series in a week.

Do you have a favorite talk show?
Zimmer Frei!

What's the last TV show you watched?
American Chopper or something else on DMAX @ dragaril's.

What's your favourite/preferred genre of TV?

What's your least favourite genre of TV?
Embarrassing shit on MTV. Reality shows. Fake court stuff.

What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
Star Trek.

What TV show do you wish you never watched?
Fackeln im Sturm (North and South).

What's the weirdest show you enjoyed?

What TV show scared you the most?

What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
Quatsch Comedy Club. Sabrina. House. Stargate. Ranma1/2.

Which do you think is the best TV series ever made?
Deep Space 9. <3


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