Oct 07, 2008 22:57

10:14pm, finished watching 3x15 Time is on my Side: Major Lorne! ...creepy doc is creepy. eew, eyes. Huh, Bella, cool.

10:55pm, finished watching 3x16 No Rest For the Wicked: AAAAAaaa, finale. Lol @ Ruby's Yeah, phones work too. xD Kids are freaking scary. ...Ditchable prom date, lawl. Oh, Bobby <3. Oh god, they sing, both yay and sad. AAAaah, the kid is freaaaaky. I love it that Bobby calls both the boys his sons. :) Hey, cool, sprinklers. Joss shoulda had that idea. GLOWY Hand, what is this? Stargate?! Woah.

That's a nasty season end. Thank God I procrastinated on the SPN front for MONTHS.

On to S4.


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