24, omg old

Jun 17, 2008 13:42

It's my BIRTHDAY, yay! :D

Mama and my sibs will arrive soon-ish at my apartment with cake, wee! Otherwise, I think It'll be a nice, slow day. The party people will come over at Saturday, for drinks and drinks and drinks and snackfoodstuff. ;P

(Holla, alle LJer die sich gerade in Köln befinden, ihr seid alle herzlichst eingeladen fürn SA den 21.6. ab 17h um sich bei mir sammeln um, bei gutem Wetter, hoffentlich, am Aachener Weiher ein schickes freundliches Saufgelage mitzumachen!!!! Comment, wenn ihr Bock und Zeit habt!)

LARIAN, you crazy person, you! Gift me my personal v-fireworks! AWESOME! I LOVE IT! Thanks!

SPACEBEE as well! It's contajus! D: Thanks, darling, I love the gift! :D

rl, bouncy, love, german, family, yay, squee, happy birthday, random other things

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