
Apr 22, 2008 16:02

It's a Meme...

I got tagged by fragilecat.

I tag ALL OF YOU! (mwahahaha)

1. What is your middle name?
2. Favorite Color?
3. What is your quest?
4. What is the capital of Abyssinia?
5. If you had to be stuck in one city for thirty days in June, which city would you pick?
6. How has the climate crisis affected your life?
7. Which candidate do you support?
8. What is your favorite sexual position?
9. How many fingers am I holding up?
10. Do you have a religious affiliation? What is it?
11. What did you have for lunch today?
12. Dinner?
13. Midnight Snack?
14. Breakfast is for losers. Discuss.
15. Does my icon turn you on?
16. Have you ever been sailing? How did it go?
17. Tell me about the worst vacation you ever took.
18. What is the weather like today?
19. Discuss your vision of a zombie apocalypse.
20. Favorite comic book?
21. Are you a dog or cat person?
22. Do non-traditional pets (mice, snakes, fluffy bunnies, etc) scare the bejeezus out of you?
23. How do you feel about getting paid to do someone else's work?
24. What was your score on the SAT/ACT/GRE/LSAT?
25. What is your highest level of education?
26. Have you ever done illegal drugs? Which ones?
27. Take me on a date. Where will we go? What will we do? Will you put out?
28. Who is your favorite artist? (If you say Monet, I'll judge you.)
29. Favorite subject in school?
30. Favorite obscure television program?
31. 42. Discuss.
32. I'm hungry. Do you know how to cook?
33. Last book you read? How was it?
34. Last movie you saw? Were you bored out of your skin?
35. Keanu Reeves cannot act. Discuss.
36. What song is stuck in your head right now? (I've got a lovely bunch of they are all standing in a row...)
37. What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
38. As an adult?
39. Do you secretly watch porn on youtube?
40. Wasn't this meme thrilling? I knew it would be.

1. What is your middle name? ANNETTE
2. Favorite Color? INDIA YELLOW
3. What is your quest? FINISH UNI, HAVE A FAMILY
4. What is the capital of Abyssinia? IDUNNO
5. If you had to be stuck in one city for thirty days in June, which city would you pick? TOKYO
6. How has the climate crisis affected your life? IN NO WAY, REALLY
7. Which candidate do you support? SPD :P
8. What is your favorite sexual position? HMM, TOP >:D
9. How many fingers am I holding up? NONE, YOU'RE TYPING
10. Do you have a religious affiliation? What is it? PROTESTANT
12. Dinner? WE'LL SEE
13. Midnight Snack? TUCS, TEA, OR FRUITS
14. Breakfast is for losers. Discuss. IT'S NOT, BREAKFAST IS YUMMY
15. Does my icon turn you on? YUP, I'VE ALWAYS LIKED THE CHILIHOT ICON
16. Have you ever been sailing? How did it go? YES IN FACT I DID. IN HOLLAND. IT'S BEEN BRILLIANT!
17. Tell me about the worst vacation you ever took. MALLORCA, AGE 10. I HAD AN INFLAMMATION OF BOTH MY EARS AND I WASN'T ALLOWED TO SWIM ;_;
18. What is the weather like today? CLOUDY BUT NICE
19. Discuss your vision of a zombie apocalypse. SEE RESIDENT EVIL MOVIE 3 AND EARTH-THAT-WAS ON FIREFLY...
20. Favorite comic book? DRAGONBALLZ
21. Are you a dog or cat person? CAT
22. Do non-traditional pets (mice, snakes, fluffy bunnies, etc) scare the bejeezus out of you? NO (YAY SNAKES)
23. How do you feel about getting paid to do someone else's work? GOOD WHY? YAY MONEY!
24. What was your score on the SAT/ACT/GRE/LSAT? AM GERMAN; BUT I DID OKAY IN MY ABITUR
25. What is your highest level of education? AM AT UNI RIGHT NOW
26. Have you ever done illegal drugs? Which ones? SMOKED POT
27. Take me on a date. Where will we go? What will we do? Will you put out? DANCING, THEN CHILLING AT SOME FOOD PLACE OF YOUR CHOICE. WILL I PUT OUT, WHY THE HELL NOT?
28. Who is your favorite artist? (If you say Monet, I'll judge you.) ALPHONSE MUCHA
29. Favorite subject in school? ART, ENGLISH
30. Favorite obscure television program? OBSCURE? HMM. THE JOY OF PAINTING WITH BOB ROSS... xD
31. 42. Discuss. I LOVE THE HITCHHIKER!!! WOOT!
32. I'm hungry. Do you know how to cook? YES MA'AM
33. Last book you read? How was it? MRS. DALLOWAY BY VIRGINIA WOOLF.... IT'S DIFFICULT, AND WEIRD
34. Last movie you saw? Were you bored out of your skin? SWEENEY TOOD. HELL NO!!! <3 LOVED IT
35. Keanu Reeves cannot act. Discuss. HAHAHAHAHA >___<
36. What song is stuck in your head right now? (I've got a lovely bunch of they are all standing in a row...) YEAH YOU SHOOK ME AAAAALL NIGHT LONG YOU KNOCKED ME OUD AND THEN YOU SHOOK ME AAAAAALL NIGHT LONG YEAH YOU SHOOK ME OH YOU SHOOK ME
37. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? ALFRED J. KWACK
38. As an adult? YOUNG JUSTICE
39. Do you secretly watch porn on youtube? HAHAHA, NOT ON YT.
40. Wasn't this meme thrilling? I knew it would be. YEP


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