REC: Original Stories by Dan Kirk @

Jan 09, 2008 21:10

First, let me tell you that I've read these years ago and they still haunted me to the point of googling for the page again and again. For years. Today I've found it again! WOOT! is the link to DK's homepage. His writing style is not perfect, he likes to go over the top on detail once in a while, but then again, I like that. Eh.

The story that kept itself lodged in my brain is DO-OVER. A, as I now got to know, gay homage to the masterpiece scifi novel Replay by Ken Grimwood. (Thanks, chaps1870 for the book rec, I loved it. Read it in one long session. Flatmate called me weird. :P)

Here, read the summary teaser: Have you ever dreamed of the chance to go back in time and change the decisions of the past? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you’d done one little thing differently? Davey Jones drifted through life, never achieving anything major, until he took part in a mad experiment. Like most of us, Davey Jones loved science fiction, so he should have known better than to trust a mad scientist…now he must live his own life over again, but should he, or can he, change anything?
And the summary teaser for it's sequel, DO-OVER REDUX, which is spoilery, sure, but also way more informative: Davey Jones has everything he ever dreamed of having. Thanks to his participation in a mad scientist’s time-travel experiment, he got to do his childhood over again, and fixed a lot of the mistakes he made the first time around. He’s a Captain in the United States Naval Reserve, serving as an openly gay man in an Armed Forces that no longer discriminates against gays, he’s co-owner of a multi-million dollar business, and he’s legally married to the man he’s loved for the past twenty-four years. What could possibly go wrong to upset the wonderful life he’s built thanks to a Do Over?

Both stories are LONG. Long as in epic values of LONG. And they're fun. NC17 rated fun. Concering bedroom activities and violence, fyi.
And, just go read them.

EDIT: Right, since I last read them, there's been two more sequels added. Um, byebye, lj. See you later in three weeks reading time, or so. *cough*

EDIT 2: Ahahah, Davey Jones. Damn, I'm slow tonight. xD Oh, world, how you change. *tentacles* *g*

recs, yay, gay and lesbian stuff

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