ART: December's work so far (IMAGE HEAVY)

Dec 14, 2007 02:09

Over the course of the next 7 to 8 days I'll be painting a LOT. Most of it will be commissions, the other part will be christmas presents for the family. :D

Look at this first cut and you'll find a poem on a beach background for my mother.

It's a poem by Hans Manz about the summer holidays and everything that's good about them. Translated from German into English it's:

Holidays in the summer.
No having to do anything,
No being supposed to do anything,
just allowances
and wants.
Each day
an unpremeditated feast.
with whom,
does or not.

Well, nearly... :P

Here, under the second cut, are three little paintings that I'll give my three littlest cousins for Christmas. :D

And under this last and third cut for today there is a pic with three progression photos of the portrait of my grandfather. :) WIP!

And today I met up with a client who wants me to paint her two grandfathers. ^^; I'll be painting lots of old dudes this December. Hee.

holiday, art

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