
Sep 18, 2007 21:06

I baked this awesome yummy bananacake today. :) My flatmate Jana had bought this bunch of bananas that just wouldn't taste the way she wanted them to, so she told me, honey, bake a cake with them. So, I did. Try it, too, way easy recipe and the results are mmmmm.


250g soft unsalted butter
220g sugar (or 100g Sugar and 4 TS sweetner)
250g white flour
100g whole grain flour
1 TS baking soda
4 Eggs
3-4 ripe bananas

butter for the baking sheet
powdered sugar for decoration

- Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F. Butter the baking sheet.
- Mix the butter with the sugar (and sweetner). Mix in the eggs bit by bit. Peel the bananas, mush them with a fork, and mix them to the butter and sugar. Then add the flour and the baking soda. Mix the dough for a few minutes.
- Spread the dough onto the baking sheet. Bake the cake for 15 minutes. Get it out of the oven, cut it into 10-12 pieces and dust the powdered sugar onto it while the cake is still hot.


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