Fic: Elixir

Aug 31, 2004 08:42

Title: Elixir
Author: Lioness Black
Rating: R
Pairings: Severus/Regulus
Warnings: Drug use, sexuality, and profanity
Summary: Regulus is a drug addict. Severus is an aspiring drug dealer of new drugs. Bellatrix is a chain smoking gold-digger. Life is a wild ride. Death is another story.
Notes: Crossposted to regulus_centric, and ffn. Work in Progress.

Chapter One

Regulus sat up in bed smoking a joint. He was naked, his hair uncombed, and was staring out the window at nothing. He was nearly the most beautiful thing Severus had ever seen. He was painfully beautiful.

"I'm leaving."

Regulus looked up. "Okay, Severus. I'll see you tonight?"

"Of course."

"Are you bringing the stash?"

"Of course."

He held out the joint. "Want?"

"No, no, thanks."

"I'll see you tonight."

Severus grabbed his cloak and left the flat. He loved Regulus. He would never say it and Regulus never wanted to hear it. The feeling wasn't mutual and Severus knew it, but it wasn't important. This relationship was based in sex and the drugs. It was a dangerous combination.

He went to work, a retail job until he could get a something better. He stocked hemp jewelry in a little bohemian shop in London. They never let him interact with customers, he seemed to scare them away, but they stared at him through glassy eyes. He properly ignored them.

After that he got a coffee and walked in the cold February air.

The London streets were dirty with old snow frozen against gutters and the sides of buildings. The weather had warmed enough to melt it, but it froze again too quickly and it all turned to ice. Severus watched his step, it was easy to slip.

"Severus! My man!" Mo Quail waved at him.

Mo was a Muggle from Jamaica, and was the cause of stereotypes. He had dreadlocks to his waist and had pockets full of weed that he both sold and smoked. He wore brightly colored smocks under his heavy black coat.

"Hello," Severus said. "Do you have my order?"

"Where's your boyfriend?"

"Look, Mo, I just need my stuff and I've got to go."

Mo grinned, patting his chest. "Right here, my man, right here."

Severus reached into his cloak and pulled out a wad of Muggle money. He slipped the money into Mo's hand, as Mo dropped a bag into Severus' pocket.

"Thank you," Severus said.

"Bring you shagboy around next time," Mo said. "He's a hella lot nicer than you."

"Because he's always stoned. He's always very pleasant."

"Maybe you need to take a note out of his book, then."

"He smokes too much."

"And you buy his hash for him so he'll stop? Severus, it doesn't seem like he's the one with the problem, now does he?" Mo grinned. "You have my card, man. Call me when it's time."

Severus scowled. He hated it when other people were right.

He found a cornerstore and got a sack full of snacks. It should last them the night. Regulus usually fed on sex, but he got cranky if there was nothing to eat.

He went back to the apartment. Regulus was there, but he was dressed and clearly had left at some point during the day. He was still wearing his shoes.

"Where were you?"

Regulus looked up. "We ran out so I took a walk."

"Where did you go?" Severus set the bag onto the table.

"Out. Did you get the stuff?"

"Where did you go?"

Regulus' teeth gritted. "You got it, didn't you, Severus? Didn't you?"

"Just tell me where you were, goddamnit!"

"I went to the chapel down the street and repented for the abomination that we do every night. Is that what you want to hear? Do you want me to leave? Did you bring the motherfucking marijuana?"

Regulus could be quite the drama queen. Severus was used to it. Regulus liked being stoned. It wasn't, as he said all the time, as if he was addicted, he just liked the feeling. Severus knew a twenty people in the building alone who would say the same thing and scream when they were out of weed.

Severus reached into his cloak pocket and threw the bag onto the table. "Here, take it."


"Go out and get them yourself! Oh, I forgot, you don't have a job!" Severus could strangle him. He didn't want to be the enemy. This was the reason Regulus left his parents, but how long could he support a drug addict?

Regulus did harder drugs than the marijuana. Never in front of Severus, but that was why he was so concerned of where Regulus had gone earlier in the day.

Severus was worried. He was always worried. If he kept Regulus supplied with weed, perhaps he could keep him from those drugs. He feared herion, and suspected cocaine. It was useless to ask.

Regulus smiled. His eyes were bloodshot. He wrapped his arms around Severus' neck and kissed his cheek, then his neck. He undid the clasps of Severus' cloak.

"Share a joint with me?" Regulus offered.

"What about the papers?"

"I'm sure we can dig up one or two."

They went through the nearly empty kitchen drawers and found a brand new pack of rolling papers underneath a book of matches.

"A perfect match," Regulus said. "Like you and me. Papers and matches."

"Which am I?" Severus asked. He kicked off his shoes.

"Matches. Definitely matches." Regulus sat at the table and began rolling the joint. "You're the fire that lights me."

Most people, especially people in love, would find this comment sweet, but Severus knew that Regulus was on something. He never made sweet profound comments when he was sober. He was never sweet at all when he was sober either. Severus was unsure if he knew Regulus at all when he was sober.

Regulus inhaled the smoke and held the joint to Severus. He took it this time and inhaled on it as well.

It reminded of the day they met.

It was an orgy, for lack of other words with fives wizards and four witches. Severus didn't know how he ended up there, not knowing who would invite a grumpy loner, but he was in a strange flat, his mouth wrapped around a stranger's dick. After that he wasn't sure what happened. The drugs that were passed around gave off heavy perfumed smokes that made him drowsy. They were magical, no doubt, but he took them. He felt relaxed for what felt like the first time in his life.

He woke up the next morning on his stomach, his face between a strange witch's legs. His ass hurt, and he soon knew why when he looked over at a beautiful, naked young man smoking a joint.

"Who are you?" he asked, lifting his head slightly.

"The boy who fucked your ass off last night," he replied. "I wouldn't let anyone else touch it. I knew when I saw you that you were special."

"Then who's this?" Severus asked, motioning to the witch.

He shrugged. "Hell if I know, fuck if I care."

"What's your name?"

"What's a name, but a label of your identity? I'd much rather fuck you twenty times a day and never know your name, but know you for who you are."

"Then I won't tell you my name, but tell me yours."

The boy gave him a half grin as he offered the joint. "Regulus Black."

"It's good shit, right?"

Severus was brought back to this day. He handed him the joint. "Yes, quite good."

"Mo came through." Regulus unzipped his fly, reached into his pants and started masturbating right there in the kitchen. He took another hit. "Ohh..."

The sight was overwhelming. "Take off your pants," Severus said. "I'll take care of that for you."

"Oh, Sev, you're too good to me." He wiggled out of his trousers, letting them puddle around his ankles.

"I know I am." He pulled Regulus to his feet. "To the bedroom with you." He cupped his hand around Regulus' bare buttock and led him to the dirty chamber.
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