Title: Excerpts from the Diary of Regulus Black (1977-1980)
pica_scribitRating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Slash, Drama, Multimedia (paper and pen, water, chocolate, marker, photoshop)
Pairing: Regulus/Severus (Remus/Sirius mentioned)
Other Characters: Mr and Mrs Black
Summary: A hand-written series of diary entries. Things get a bit better for Regulus before everything goes square to hell.
Previous Postings:
Part One: 1971,
Part Two: 1973,
Part Three: 1976Disclaimer: I own nothing. No money is being made. Don't sue me.
A/N: I got all imatient and just had to post the rest of this fic. I'm doing the last three parts all at once, so this is my last time spamming a massive list of communities. Promise. For this fic at least. :p
Feedback is always welcome
Part Four: 1977)
Part Five: 1978)
Part Six: 1980)