The last of the 5 things meme responses

Nov 02, 2006 00:17

Sorry these took me so long, y'all. My muse went on a vacation and didn't take me. Bitch. Anyways, at long last, the rest of the 5 things meme responses!

For swatkat24

Five times Cuddy kissed House

1. When Lisa was a sophomore at Michigan, Greg House was her Gross Anatomy TA. He gave her a B+ on a lab report, and when she went to his office hours to argue for a higher grade she ended up kissing him. She has no idea, to this day, how that happened. House chalked it up to his magnetic personality, but she would disagree.

2. Five months after his surgery House is wallowing in self-pity in his apartment when Cuddy knocks on the door. She brings Chinese food and action movies and he could kiss her. But later when they’re sitting on the couch stuffed full of Lo Mein she does it for him.

3. When the stick turned blue, Cuddy stared at it for a good five minutes in disbelief. After trying for so long she had stopped expecting positive results. House was the first person she saw when she exited the bathroom, and she couldn’t contain her joy, so she ignored his comment on the length of her skirt and kissed him on the cheek.

4. Cuddy steals into the dark room, which is silent except for the whir of the respirator and the steady beep of the heart monitor. House lays motionless on the bed, looking marginally less stubborn in sleep than he is awake. Stacy’s purse is still by the bed, she must have stepped out for a cup of coffee. Cuddy studies the man before her, leans over to smooth an errant curl, and on impulse leans in to kiss him on the forehead. His skin is cool and dry, and he doesn’t move. Her heels click as she flees the damage she has done.

5. Cuddy sits at her desk, smiling. The hospital is running like a dream, the sun is shining, and her hair is bouncier than usual. House comes into her office and declares that he’s sorry for every crazy stunt he’s every pulled, and ever patient he’s ever insulted. He’s in the middle of proclaiming his undying devotion to her, and she’s leaning in to kiss him when her alarm goes off.

Five times Buffy did not hate being the Slayer

1. A girl’s got to feel good about saving the world an average of once a week, right?

2. After Buffy met Kendra, and found out that she could theoretically give up being the Slayer (even if that didn’t last long) she realized that her destiny was too much a part of who she was to give it up and live a normal life.

3. That time in LA that Mark Stephens was completely sketchy - she kicked his ass, but only a little, since he wasn’t a demon, though he was a total creep.

4. The many, many times that the people she loved were in danger and she could save them, Buffy was glad she was the Slayer. Although really most of those times they were in danger for that very reason. Still.

5. The very first time she staked a vampire, when she was 15 and scared out of her mind (and it took two tries to get it through his heart), she felt powerful and competent, and thought that maybe this slaying thing would be alright.

For msbrittanydawn

Five times Alex actually liked being on the vagina squad.

1. Alex may hate the vagina squad, and he may enjoy being a sarcastic bastard to Addison Montgomery Shepherd, but there is no denying that the woman’s hot, and he spends around 12 hours a day with her.

2. The night that he helped Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd save the baby whose mother left it in the trashcan, Alex sat at Joe’s with his beer and thought that maybe being on the vagina squad wasn’t the worse thing ever.

3. Alex loved being on the vagina squad when the hot new OBGYN nurse told him how impressed she was with his compassion and empathy for his patients. He’d asked her if she was being sarcastic and she’d dragged him into a nearby closet.

4. He was as surprised as anyone when the Chief mentioned that Addison had told him how well Alex was doing in neonatal. He suspected she might have said it just to fuck with him, but getting complimented by the Chief of Surgery was never a bad thing.

5. As Addison Shepherd’s intern he had a front-row seat to the debacle unfolding between her, McSteamy and McDreamy. Not that he personally cared, but it made him pretty popular at Joe’s with the gossipmongers.

For oregonblondie

Five conversations between Jordan and Jack that no one else knows about

1. On Halloween Jack tells her that he dressed up as a pumpkin when he was five, and she thinks that she’s never heard anything cuter.

2. “Nice shoes.” Jordan is walking down the hall reading a file when Jack comes out of nowhere, both literally and with his comment.
She looks at him suspiciously.
“What?” He sounds indignant.
“Nice shoes? What kind of a compliment is that?”
He rolls his eyes and walks down the hall.

3. Jack gasps her name as he comes and it’s an affirmation. Jordan thinks she wasn’t really lying when she told her assistant she needed to talk to Jack about something; they’re talking, just not really with words.

4. They are sitting in her office mapping out a plan for the upfronts when her phone rings. It’s her assistant Kevin.
“Ms. McDeere I have Danny Tripp’s assistant on line one for you.”
“Thanks Kevin, put Lily through.”

Jack’s ears perk up a little at the name ‘Lily,’ he’s always liked to keep a close watch on things regarding Danny and Matt, and this is no different.
“Hi, Ms. McDeere, Danny wanted to call and confirm that he should pick you up tonight at 7:15.”
“Sounds good, thanks!”
“Bye Ms. McDeere.”

When Jordan hangs up the phone, Jack is looking at her. Not glaring, or frowning, just looking.
“Plans with Danny tonight?” His voice oozes condescension, as usual.
“He asked me to go to the banquet with him. I said yes.”
“Sounds like fun.” He’s doing the thing where he’s not even pretending to not be sarcastic.

“I’m looking forward to it. I’m sure Marylyn is too.” She throws his wife’s name in there to head this dangerous conversation off before the yelling starts.
He refuses to look even the slightest bit abashed, and Jordan marvels that he can be possessive of her and think about his wife without flinching in the same conversation.

She sighs because it’s all just so typical.

5. Every conversation they have these days is so laced with innuendo and tension that her head spins trying to follow what Jack’s actually saying and what his eyes and his body language are telling her. Words fly, eyes smolder, she’s lost in her own world, but Jack is with her. She’s amazed that no one has commented on the change in their behavior, until she realizes that they’ve always acted like this, minds always moving in sync, two steps ahead of anyone listening along. She’s pretty sure it’s not a good thing.

Five kisses Jordan may or may not have received

1. When her show about the United Nations premiers in the top 10 with a 7.8 share in the demo, she saunters into Jack’s office looking like the cat who got the cream. Aside from her smug declaration of success, she doesn’t really remember what was said; only that Jack kissed her out of frustration. As usual.

2. When the final rankings for the year are determined, and NBS comes out on top for the first time in four years, Jack and Jordan hug. They definitely do not kiss, because that part of their lives is behind them now, and if they start again they won’t know how to stop.

3. At the party they throw after Studio 60 wins an Emmy Jordan is lingering near a group of mostly cast members. Danny bounds up and grabs her and she lets herself be pulled into a hug. He leans in to kiss her, though, and she takes two steps back. He looks at her and walks away without saying anything.

4. Jack definitely does not knock on her door one Wednesday night at 12:30, smelling of scotch, and he doesn’t tell her that his wife left him. She doesn’t kiss him and pull him inside. This doesn’t happen; it’s just what she daydreams about during boring finance meetings.

5. Six months after his divorce is finalized, Jack asks Jordan out to dinner. She accepts and they have a very nice meal during which NBS, Studio 60 and television are not mentioned at all. He drives her home and follows her inside and kisses her like he’s wanted to since they met

For queenzulu

Five times House was serious with Cuddy

1. After he woke up from the first coma, he’d turned to Cuddy, who was sitting beside his bed, absorbed in staring at her hands. He’d asked her if he would ever walk normally again, and the tears in her eyes were his only answer.

2. After he woke up from the second coma, he turned to Cuddy, who was again sitting beside his bed staring at her hands. He looked down at his leg, it looked the same, but even through his morphine he could feel that the constant ache that defined his life had lessened. He looked her in the eye and said, “Thank you.”

3. He’s always serious about his crazy procedures, just not in a way Cuddy understands. What she can’t realize is that despite all the drama and yelling, he actually does want to save the patient’s lives. Or maybe she gets that, and just wants to torture him.

4. When she offered him a job at Princeton-Plainsboro and a department head position he was very sincere in his gratitude, though he masked it a little in sarcasm. But the sarcasm was less sarcastic than usual, which she picked up on, because she’s Cuddy.

5. When Cuddy tells him she’s pregnant he doesn’t joke or mock her, just looks her straight in the eye and says “Congratulations.” Then he leaves work (even though it’s closer to noon than five) and gets blind drunk in the bar down the street.

house, grey's anatomy, my fic, studio 60, meme

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