House fic: Watch Out

May 08, 2006 01:57

Title: Watch Out
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: House/Cuddy
Summary: Cameron held an open file in front of her, but didn’t know whose it was. She watched Cuddy put a hand on House’s arm. She wondered what they were talking about.
Notes: Written for the housefic_pens Kickstarter Challenge #2, the promt was
3. “Nobody ever said this was going to be easy,” House said. “You wanted me. Next time be careful what you ask for.”

Foreman stood with Chase at the nurses’ station outside of the clinic. They were waiting for House’s approval on a battery of tests for their new patient, which was looking like a losing prospect on their part, since he was currently closeted in Cuddy’s office. They loitered outside of the clinic, chatting distractedly with the nurse on duty, until Cameron arrived.
“Did House sign the forms?” Cameron looked more frazzled than usual.
“Nope, he’s been in there since we got here.” Chase was watching his hair in the reflection off of the glass door, and didn’t bother to look at Cameron while responding.
“Well, we need his signature. Let’s just go in there.” She moved as if to enter Cuddy’s office.
“Wait.” Foreman stepped in front of her. He gestured towards the office.
“Look at them. They’re laughing. I feel like I’m in an alternate universe.”
Cameron looked at Foreman and then at the figures through the glass. She frowned and stepped back to lean against the nurses’ station, not taking her eyes off of the scene in front of her. Without another word the three of them settled in to observe.


Foreman twisted his watch on his wrist while keeping an eye on the office, to do something with his hands. Maybe he should get a yo-yo. Other people could have toys too.
Chase scuffed his shoe on the ground, and ran his hand through his hair. He wondered if House would ever be done talking to Cuddy. He had plans for the night that didn’t involve diagnostic tests.
Cameron held an open file in front of her, but didn’t know whose it was. She watched Cuddy put a hand on House’s arm. She wondered what they were talking about.


Wilson walked through the clinic on his way towards Cuddy’s office, staff performance reviews in hand. He stopped when he saw House’s team loitering near the nurses’ station, each surreptitiously watching the exchange going on inside, with varying degrees of subtlety. Cameron wasn’t even pretending to glance at the file she held in her hand. House and Cuddy stood talking in front of her desk - this was nothing unusual, if he wasn’t either in his own office or hiding, Cuddy’s office was House’s most likely location. What was strange was that they seemed to be enjoying each other’s company, which although it happened occasionally, was rare. Was House actually smiling?

He paused behind Cameron and kept an eye on his friends as he checked a patient notation in the daily log.

Foreman was now completely inured to inappropriate sexual comments about his boss’s boss. He remembered his first few weeks as part of House’s team; every time House mentioned Cuddy Foreman expected a sexual harassment lawsuit to be forthcoming.
Chase liked Cuddy. She did the impossible - managed to keep House’s insanity at a manageable level. And looked hot doing it.
She was going to cut her hair, Cameron decided. It was a little too long, maybe a little too girlish? A stray sunbeam bounced off the glass and blinded her for a moment.
Wilson had always wondered, in an offhand way, what House and Cuddy’s history was. His subtle and not-so-subtle interrogation attempts had all been failures. House made lots of snarky quips, but as always Wilson hadn’t known how to separate the truth from the outrageous statements meant to annoy and provoke his listeners.


The four voyeurs were so engrossed in their observations that House and Cuddy were at the door of her office before anyone thought to move, or at least pretend that they hadn’t been watching avidly. House looked decidedly cheerful, but it could have been the Vicodin he had just taken.
Cuddy looked at them suspiciously, and said, “Anything I can do for any of you?”
The expression on her face warned against fucking with her.

House took in Cameron’s red face and Wilson’s carefully neutral expression.
“We were just…”
“We needed…” Cameron and Chase both stopped, and looked at Foreman, who just shook his head.
“Yes, kiddies… well, kiddies and funny Uncle Wilson, Mom and Dad were just having a friendly chat about the good ole’ days of college. Back when Mom still put out after drinking tequila.” He turned and looked at Cuddy. “Right, dear?”
She rolled her eyes at him, and opened the door to her office, ready to head back inside.
House’s next comment made her pause with her hand on the door.
“See anything interesting?” His blue eyes seemed particularly piercing as he looked at each member of his team, and at Wilson, in turn.

Foreman shifted his weight and looked away.
Chase flipped his bangs out of his eyes with a well-timed flick of his head - a nervous habit he still hadn’t kicked.
Cameron dropped the patient’s file.
Wilson started coughing.

Their behavior won a brief and somewhat beleaguered smile from Cuddy, who then stepped back into her office.
House watched her go and then turned back to look at the crowd. He rubbed his hands together and with a maniacal grin said “Ok, now who did you kill while I was busy?”

Foreman sighed.
Chase rolled his eyes.
Cameron tried to reassemble the file she’d dropped.
Wilson gave House one last speculative look, and wandered out of the foyer.


Later that night as they lay in bed Cuddy broke the lengthening silence.
“They were all watching us, today…” Her voice trailed off. She was stroking House’s arm absentmindedly.
“They could learn a few things from the masters.” His voice held the smile she couldn’t see in the dark.
“It’s not funny, this could do a lot of damage if it gets around the hospital. And you know it will.”
“Nobody ever said this was going to be easy,” House said. “You wanted me. Next time be careful what you ask for.”
“Excuse me? I think it was you who wanted me.” She squeaked as he pinched her arm, and laughed when he rolled over on top of her. He ran his hand through her dark hair and growled, “Semantics. And they only suspect. And I’d really rather not be talking about my team while we’re in bed together, but if we must, I thought Cameron’s top was rivaling yours in the inappropriate-for-work category.

It was Cuddy’s turn to growl at that comment, and she flipped him so she was on top.
“Stop talking.”
“Yes ma’am.”

Foreman cast a glance at Cuddy’s darkened office as he passed through the foyer on his way home for the night.
Chase grumbled to himself as he finished up the test for lupus - negative, a waste of his time all around.
Cameron sat in House’s office sorting his mail as the quiet in the hospital deepened. One letter mentioned Dr. Cuddy; she put it in its own special pile.
Wilson heard House’s voice on the answering machine, warning callers not to bother leaving a message, and wondered where he was.


In the dark two pairs of blue eyes met and held.

house, my fic

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