Assorted things with which to begin the new year

Jan 01, 2009 21:08

Happy New Year everyone! It's still 1/01 here, so this post totally counts.

I hope everyone had a good time last night, whether you were living it up or chilling at home! I was participating in a mix - living it up at a friend's house. We had a good time, played some games, drank some alcohol, kissed each other at midnight, it was fun. More fun than I anticipated, actually, which was a nice surprise.

We watched the ball drop at 10:00 and then seriously 15 of the 30 people there disappeared to call people on the East coast, me included.

My resolution for the year is this: Find some motivation to apply to Law School! And do all the associated stuff, like practice for and take the LSAT. Blerg.

Ficathon things:

For yuletide I wrote: May You Find Hope Everlasting, which is fic for Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, Bod/Silas. My first time writing boyslash! Yay!

The prettylightsfic archive went live today, and I received the amazing story sexy/awkward/funny (three people Katee kissed at the wrap party)! It's funny and clever and also hurty at the same time.

As soon as the authors are revealed I'll link to my story.

Can I just say that the only problem I have with multi- or rare- fandom ficathons is that I want to read all the stories, especially those by my friends (yultide being a great example) but often I am completely, absolutely unfamiliar with the source material! So that is lame.

In other news, work has been an absolute clusterfuck of incompetence, but thankfully things are slowing down. I can't wait till it doesn't take me an hour to drive the 2 miles to the post office.

Anyways, happy New Year to you all, I love y'all and hope you have a wonderful year!

yuletide, my fic, books, holidays

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