Wanna feel this way forever

Jan 02, 2008 20:29

*peeks in, runs away again*

Um, hi flist? So I have been almost entirely absent lately, but hopefully that will improve soon! Things are settling down at work after the holidays, my friend left today and I have turned my phone off.

I need to catch up on the internet! I am so behind on everything - the only ficathon stories I have read are the ones written for me. And I need to read things people have sent me to beta as well as my betas comment on my own story.

But, speaking of Yuletide, I wrote :
Some Other Title Entirely for omphale23 (Thursday Next, set right after First Among Sequels)

and Santa Claus is Coming to Town as a pinch hit for Mitchy (Private Practice, Addison-centric with some Violet/Cooper)

I am going to do the end of year fic roundup meme sometime soon - possibly this weekend. I'm not doing the privilege meme because I got new skis and new ski boots today (in my defense the skis were ridiculously cheap and I ordered the boots ages ago) so I feel that should answer that question fairly satisfactorily.

Anyways, I've missed y'all, so comment and tell me what's up!

private practice, my fic, books

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