Wow, time passed by so increddibly fast oO A whole year since I wrote into this lj the last time...
So I will only give you a little shortcut about everything important that happend in those 12 month:
You know that I moved to Dortmund, and -oh wonder- I still live with my girlfriend and we havn't killed each other yet. That HAS TO BE love *rofl*
I new flatmate came to us in April. My cute beloved new caledonian crested gecko (rhacodactylus ciliatus).
He's named Jared, and some of you will exactly know, why XD
An other new pet is Sunny, a little mouse wich is very talented in escaping her cage oO So we gave up and let her live freely in our flat. It's amazing how intelligent this animal seems to be. And she's not afraid of us in any way. Climbing up our pants when we're sitting at the table, or running towards us, when we lay down a hand onto the floor to pick her up. Really cute *-*
I realise how bad my English became while writing this.... Damn... ;-; Well, only one thing can help I think: practicing....
Oh, come to speak of "practice": I'm learning tap-dance. It's really much fun, however exhausting some times. you won't believe it but.... I got muscles Oo. ME!!
The last 6 month I won 8 kilos weight. I'm so happy. I'm not a wandering skeleton anymore!
So much changed in my live. Out of that I also changed my nickname on and my hole style changed too I think. I'm wearing more and more light-colored clothing, not always black >_<. I wear acryl-nails... well ok, the rest of them XD, cause I want my own nail getting longer. It's to expensive and -think what you want- it hurts -.- I don't want my fingers to bleed every 3 weeks only because the nail file is injuring my nail bed *sniff*
Oh, something else changed: I got a tatoo on January 5th *-*
I LOVE it. It's amazing what this man can conjure onto the skin of peonple. I never imagined that tatoos can get such a genious 3-D-effect through grey and white colors in the image. Oh right the motive:
demon wings.
Not very big, half of my back I would say and this only because of the shadows. I wanted a tatoo I can show completely without getting undressed ^^ I never wore backless tops before, now I will start to *smile*
My parents still have their pub and my brother's still making his apperenticeship as a physiotherapist. Right, something new: My mother now has a dog.
It's named Valco and... is kinda strange. He's alsways snarling and growling at me, when I arrive at my parent's home, as long as my mother hugs me. From that moment on he's completely changed. He huddles against me and seems to listen to every word I say. oO
I think he's schizophrenic! *nod*
I don't like him....
Job is fine.... so fine working can be during worldwide economic crises. Personal leasing isn't working well. Many of our customers have no work to do and so don't need employees. We had to write many enforced redundancys and are hoping that we don't have to reduce the number of employees in our office.
Ok, three collegues already left us, but due to other reasons...
Right...more news: I've got a new car. My beloved Nissan 100NX looked like a sieve because of rost.
I've got a SEAT Cordoba from 2004 now. I like it. It's not my dream-car, but it has almost everything you can wish for. The most important: Everything is working!! I never had a car without any little quirks before.
I think that's enough for now. I will try to write more consequently again, so you can get more informations without needing to talk to me XD Don't get upset it was a joke!
In Love
P.S.: New chapters of "upside down" are online. I would be honoured if you read them and leave me a comment ^^ and