I'm going to take a month long break starting next week. I don't feel normal when I stop after heavy use, and I recall the length of time to feel clear increase over the time I have been smoking marijuana. I like bud, but my attempts of having a healthy relationship have failed because I am in no healthy condition to do so. A month at least, that's for sure, and It's not going to be a great blast, but I sure can't wait
This is the main reason stoners keep lighting up, and the heaviest stoner I know is a good friend of mine, and she practically runs on the stuff. Her relationship is better than mine and can function stoned all day, everyday. She's not a great student, and it's obvious learning stoned doesn't work, but she's too much of stoner to think of like without it, because she doesn't feel normal without it (the same word for word reason almost all stoners who really open up cite for their reasons for continuous heavy use)
The not feeling normal without it is the main most people smoke more and more, it's fun and it becomes your main form of fun, and over time psychological addiction can occur, the reason for the craving, which I've had most of the week, but in all honesty, it's not that strong at all. Start smoking a cigarette or two a day till you start to take real pleasure from it and stop and my cravings are about 10 times less at the very least. What really stops me from taking a hit is that I know smoking won't make me feel better, and I want one in the first place because it feels weird without it because I'm a stoner and have been all of college, and it's become my fun thing and also because it takes me much longer to feel normal than when I first started. Some people get the head trouble much easier than others, as the difference between my good friend and I
But in this very troubling time in my life, it's become harder than every because facing the world is a lot easier when I have my mind to think about it. Yea. I'm really rushing to get my ID and new phone to call the ladies up and get some help for myself
Life has greatly improved since this fall, but it hasn't helped me deal with my problems, just give me a great desire to live life and enjoy who I am, be happy, and share it with others
It's odd how I didn't find this very crucial piece of info before. I heard about it in a pamphlet I got during those horrible 3 days this summer, and it listed the finding is the following links as the one main problem with heavy marijuana use, since all other ones are temporary, even the main problem of withdrawl that isn't from psychological addiction or from having a constant stream of THC in your blood from hashy lipocytes, which deplete over time and depending on how much you have. You can even get high from real heavy exercise, which is why you don't work out at all the day you have a urine test
I don't like how this info wasn't on Erowid. If I can't find it at all I'm going to post it
By the way, the heavy users this article talk about some an average of 131 JOINTS A WEEK, and the most smoke 50 JOINTS A DAY
I've been on binges before, and it really doesn't surprise me. People fuck around with drugs to hideous degrees
These heavy users brain did not return to normal, and they've been stoned for decades, but it did not specify how long, if ever, their brains returned to full
The light users (light?!!), about 11 to 44 joints a day, all returned back to normal in a month, and most people do in a day or up to a couple weeks if abating the ganj
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn6975There's more articles where that came from. Surf some more and share if you like
Wow. My good friend who runs on weed doesn't even fit in the range of a light user. In terms of bowls (at least half of a joint), my friend smokes around... hmmmmm. 2 or 3 bowls a sesh, a couple in the morning and when back from class, and maybe a larger sesh of 6 bowls MAX at night on weekends if were doing nothing and I'm falling back in
Damn. I don't think I know anyone who smokes as much as the bare minimum of a "light smoker"...
*packs a snap. takes a hit. thinks REALLY hard*
I might say a Berkeley drug friend (mainly those people who's lives are nothing but drugs. ranging from the fun loving kind to whom take away lasting love and enlightenment from drugs and are completely well adjusted [my friend Zag, the only person I have found to come closest to sharing the love I found in October. God that makes me feel so good to know, I wish I could find more people like that. Most of those I have are too judgemental to even be friends with] to those who never looked at the consequences and started in middle school or earlier and are self destructive due to their lack of connection with anything sober to live for), not a friend really, more like the flakiest dealer I have ever met (another nasty side effect of living off highs, when they hardly shared, or when they're just a bitch to begin with), who gripes about being sober almost like someone addicted to cigarettes; he just can't seem to stay slightly sober for more than a moment. I don't know his pot intake, but it sure is a lot. It seems like being a high end "light user" pretty much guarantees difficulty living a normal life
What is normal life?
Finding this new stuff out really explains a lot, more than anything else I've read so far, and it surprises me that I hadn't run into it sooner. But, I wouldn't say I dug super deep to begin with. I think would seriously help those in similar situations and those who would like to gain control of their habit. And those in denial might be enlightened to see past the horrible cycle, and might explain for them the "not feeling normal" syndrome of heavy and prolonged, regular reefer use
I haven't stopped transitioning since this October, and though it's been a shaky roller coaster ride, I'm so much better than when I started and doubt will ever give up. And being clear headed? I get to bring back that love I can only appreciate sober and full of life :)
Always, always reserve your judgment. It's one of the most important qualities for peace between fellow human beings. Being kind and loving and compassionate only goes as far as your circle of acceptance. And I can assure you, if you truly feel the most full of life when you're helping and loving others, sharing that with everyone you meet is about as made as you can get in this world
A hug from my heart to you