Welcome back

Oct 02, 2008 13:07

Oh boy, its been  nearly half a year since I posted!

Well, that's all good. I've kept up with everyone on the blogs that I follow as usual.  Commenting here and there.  However, for the most part, Ive been quite busy.   Parenting, teaching, research and writing/editing.   Well, there's my part-time work that I do to escape the other stuff.  Yeah, I use my part-time job on a cardiac floor to escape from the other more curious shit in my life.

Changes there are some and there are some things that have remained quite the same.

I'm still a foul mouthed person, though less so because I speak out loud less often.  But it comes out in my editing, it comes out in my notes.  In my head, it I have a long and short list of profanities and sketched out diatribes that are just sinful to and adulterous to the more noble of ears.

My silence of late was self-imposed.  Too much stimulation was making me quite numb.  I self reflected and threw myself into my work.  So, as usual, I don't go into the part-time job anymore than I'm contracted to.  I allowed myself to embrace other contracts on various research projects.  Other times, I have allowed the children to dominate my time and knowledge.  Well, it wasn't unstructured.

For our son, who is autistic, I fine tuned his nutrition, activities, and behavior mods to reflect a low incidence of temper tantrums and a higher incidence of more appropriate social/emotional displays.  The eldest girl, Ada continued with her publications and over the summer attended various symposium, interview, and meetings with working professional artists and local administrators to figure out how she would stay doing what she likes.  The youngest, Pod, I got to watch her, learn from her how she wants to have creative fun.  Much of her interests have been on-line and pc gaming.  So, I seeded her with some hacks for some of her existing games, and let her try her  hand at some of the simple programming tools for gaming design I had lying around the house.  She expressing curiosities, nothing solid but she does like building things.  Next month she will work on building a telephone.  I want to see if she can make the thing work.

When I think back to what we have done over the past few months, we didn't travel much.  Money is tight everywhere and I'm phobic about credit cards.  The only OPM's I can tolerate is a car note and mortgage.  Most, of my outings were movies, theater, and convention type affairs.   Video gaming exhibitions, museum, private gallery shows and film festivals.  Those were the categories of entertainment for the last few months.

One month, I spent sick for three of four weeks.  Hospitalized for a few hours and on bedrest for acute respiritory arrest.  Hahaha, I was almost put on the vent.  Then I had an infection because the medication severely retarded my immune system.  I was able to do some copyedit work and some quality control for digital media while convelascent   However, there was nothing I felt I wanted to do long term.  I'm an bohemian when it comes to this.  I may do a lot of work for free or charge a lot money for a small assignment.  Its not uncommon for me to pursue an artist or designer for the experience of collaboration where I work like I'm in love.   Yet, the next proposal from the same group will result in my total lack of interest where I turn it down for apparently "no good reason."   I'm unreliable, take it or leave it.  I don't care. I do what I love and I love to be free.  Restraining me is a life or death situation for me.

There are a lot of pictures.  I was very camera happy.  Maybe I will share some.

Yeah, I think I will since I'm no longer on a media blackout to social networks.

Now, let us laugh.  This is a ringtone on husband O's phone.  I'm sure it freaks out his patients when they hear it.

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