(no subject)

Aug 18, 2003 21:01

I should post more... I know.....

But my life is so very uninteresting right at this very moment.

In totally boring news of the moment - I clocked a game as of a few hours ago. I haven't been motivated to do such a thing for... oh... ten years. Yes I am slowly regressing backwards to 'the time before I had money to go out on the weekend' hence lots of PS2 action, beer, and staying at home. I blame the GST. I did have a shiteload of bills this week. I plan to venture out next weekend.

I am feeling antisocial to the extreme at the moment. This is not unusual for me. I'm just built that way. It manifests itself in either a. shutting myself in my dark bedroom (which my mother affectionately calls 'the dungeon') with music and books and the covers over my head or b. avoiding human contact. There's a little bit of both there. Today was nice - empty house, cats, I did what I wanted when I wanted.

Doesn't take much to please me. But I'm sure this little attack of hermit-ism won't last long. Perhaps I'm hibernating due to the shittiness of the weather and the fucking lack of heating in this house.

I was meant to be making art today but instead I did research. Sort of. Oh okay I slacked off completely and ate lots of chocolate.
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