The most I can manage is "Ugh"

Nov 21, 2005 00:12

I've spent the last 48 hours alternately hacking up a lung, blowing my nose, and wondering where my brain went. Um yes, and I did just type "wondering where my brian went" on my first attempt at that sentence. I also misspelled three different words.

It occurred to me today as I was sitting at the computer that I was just sort of staring at the monitor, head cocked to one side, breathing heavily through my mouth, eyes glazed over, and I'm sure if anyone had happened to glance in my window and see me they would have assumed that I was some kind of escaped lobotomized mental patient.

I did watch The Block tonight. Know what I would like to see on The Block? The couples actually *renovating* instead of calling contractors. They really made a mistake this second season in leaving the apartments so completely destroyed that there's absolutely no way the couples could do it themselves.

It has taken me entirely too long to type those three paragraphs.

tv: the block, health

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