What I Just Finished Reading: I kind of had a stressful week and anxiety ridden week, which leads to crying, eating, and binge-watching comfort shows. But I did read two more this week: In Every Generation by Kendare Blake, and The Three by Sarah Lotz. Reviews below.
What I'm Reading Right Now: I'm reading the second book in the Underwater Investigation series, Coral Black, and enjoying it so far. :)
What I'm Planning to Read Next: I have two more Gridlock books (one at Library which accidentally got put on the pick list, so I don't actually have it, but hopefully can pick it up on Saturday) and one actually here at home, but other than that I've made a good job of my goals this month. I think I may stick with the Underwater Investigation series at least over the weekend and see if I can knock a few of them out of my Finish What You Started goal.
08. In Every Generation by Kendare Blake
Willow’s daughter is called to be a slayer, while also trying to manage her witch abilities.
This was a fun if formulaic first book in a series about the next generation of Scoobies. There’s Frankie, Willow’s witchy daughter, who is called when the current Slayers are presumed dead; Jake, Oz’s furry nephew; and a charm demon and a slayer-sister. The insta-Scoobies are a bit awkward, as is the brooding Grimloch, a demonic Angel stand-in who moons for Frankie yet is supposedly in love with one of the missing Slayers.
But it does a good job of maintaining the tone of the original series. Frankie and her gang face off against the Countess Bathory, but the missing Slayer arc remains unresolved. That’s what series are for, I guess.
Dates Read: January 14 to 18, 2024
Page Count: 403
4 out of 5 stars
+ Around the Year in 52 Books 10 - about witches, goddesses, or nuns (08/52)
09. The Three by Sarah Lotz
When the world becomes obsessed with the child survivors of three separate plane crashes, the kids may just not be what they seem.
In the paranormal-tinged thriller, the families of the surviving children who take them in are unnerved. None of the kids seems particularly upset to have lost parents or siblings. And then strange occurrences start happening in their homes. Meanwhile, the religious right and other conspiracy theorists claim that the kids are harbingers of doom or possessed by aliens.
The book is told in the form of news articles, chat transcripts, and after-the-fact interviews with the families and friends of the kids, and the hints as to what happened to them are deftly woven throughout the book. There’s such a creeping sense of imminent doom that I found myself compelled to keep reading to find out the truth.
Dates Read: January 19 to 20, 2025
Page Count: 471
5 out of 5 stars
+ Around The Year in 52 Books 48 - character dealing with death (09/52)