RIP Esther the Wonder Pig

Oct 20, 2023 12:05

Received the sad news the other day that Esther the Wonder Pig has passed away at 11 years old.

I first discovered Esther online quite a few years ago. She'd been adopted by a couple, Steve and Derek, under the illusion that she was a "micro pig" (a designation they later learned doesn't exist.) She was, in fact, a commercial pig that grew to be 650 lbs. She inspired Derek and Steve to not only become vegan but to take their love of animals and Esther and open a farm sanctuary, Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary (HEEFS), that I've talked about many, many times.

Esther struggled with cancer and a ongoing hoof problem that required her to wear a prosthetic, but she was always such a happy, joyful piggy. She loved cupcakes and belly rubs and her mattress. She lived in the house and was trained to do her business outside, which she could do by opening the sliding door with her snout! She was so smart! She inspired me to give up pork and to donate to HEEFS and other sanctuaries too. She was a special piggy who had been struggling so much in the last year of her life, and I'm going to miss her.

(with Steve. Sometimes it's hard to remember how big she was until you get some perspective!)

Rest In Peace, beautiful piggy.

heefs, esther

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