Wednesday Reading Meme

Sep 13, 2023 10:16

What I Just Finished Reading: Only two this week: Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth and The Phlebotomist by Chris Panatier. Reviews below.

What I'm Reading Right Now: I'm about halfway through A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab, which was a rec from fansee oh so long ago.

What I'm Planning to Read Next: Next up I will probably go back to Edin by Lily Mayne because it was picked as my Finish What You Started book and it also fits a Hallowe'en Challenge prompt.

109. Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth

A mostly enjoyable and fairly unique vampire tale that picks up steam the further you get into the story. A 100+ year old vampire is bound to protect the US president and his interests. The first bit gets a little bogged down by setting up the players: Cade, the vampire; Zach, his new handler, and Griff, bound for retirement. On the bad guys side there’s your standard shadowy government cabal of The Company and a couple other supe nasties. There were no great surprises but I liked how everything came together and the over-the-top villain seemed to fit in with the general tone of the book. It took a while to warm up to both Cade and Zach, but once I did I was eager to continue their adventures. This is the first of a series so I’ll probably continue with it eventually.

Dates Read: September 04 to 08, 2023
Page Count: 400

4 out of 5 stars

Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task 7 - read 7 books written by a man (06/07)
Challenge Factory Hallowe’en Roundup - ZOMBIE - Leg 2

110. The Phlebotomist by Chris Panatier

The world of Willa, the phlebotomist, is one in which the population is kept in poverty, forced to sell their blood to survive against a corporation/government that controls every aspect of their lives. The people believe they’re helping the war effort, and they’re starved and weak. Willa discovers that things are not as they seem and joins forces with some hackers to try to reveal the truth.

I loved that the two main characters are older women. Willa is a grandma who’s just been trying to raise her grandson right in this dystopian landscape. I loved the motley found family she joined and came to love. The revelation of what is really happening with the blood donation isn’t a surprise, but I loved the way it was handled. The book started out a little slow in setting up the environment but quickly picked up, and enjoyed the race to the finish.

Dates Read: September 09 to 10, 2023
Page Count: 345

4 out of 5 stars

Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task 7 - read 7 books written by a man (07/07)
Lost Challenges Want to Read Bingo - G50 (17/25)
Challenge Factory Hallowe’en Roundup - ZOMBIE - Arm 2 (01/07 creatures)


reading challenge: lost challenges, author: c, reading: wednesday reading meme, reading challenge: challenge factory

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