Wednesday Reading Meme

Jul 12, 2023 11:04

What I Just Finished Reading: Since last week I read 3 books: Shady Hollow by Juneau Black, and Witchmark and Stormsong by CL Polk. Reviews below.

I also started Still Just A Geek by Wil Wheaton, but I only got a couple of chapters in on the ebook before I gave up. The way the annotations work are very frustrating in e-format. You have to look for the tiny little asterisks and then click on them, which opens up another window. However if the annotation is long then you need to expand the window, which then gets you (or at least me, because technology hates me) stuck in the annotation list and unable to get back to the main chapter. It was sooooo frustrating. So I returned the ebook and I now have the print version waiting at the library for me to pick up.

What I'm Reading Right Now: I just finished my book last night, so I haven't picked up the next one yet.

What I'm Planning to Read Next: Next will be Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica, only because it unexpectedly came available in ebook at the library so I had to snag it or lose my place in line. Then I'll get back to the Wil Wheaton book.

80. Shady Hollow by Juneau Black

This is an absolutely adorable story. The denizens of Shady Hollow are all woodland animals, from Orville, the brown bear deputy chief of police, to Reginald von Beaverpelt, the owner of the sawmill. They all live together harmoniously in Shady Hollow until Otto the toad is murdered. Intrepid fox reporter Vera Vixen is on the beat and eager to catch the killer with the help of her best friend, bookstore owner and raven, Lenore. It’s sweet and delightful, with a lovely ending to boot. Also, some of the images just made me laugh, such as mouse Mr. Chitters bringing back coffee and pastries for the sawmill staff. I’d love to see an illustration of that. Hee!

Dates Read: July 05 to 07, 2023
Page Count: 219

4 out of 5 stars

Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task 11 - read 11 books set in a small town [Shady Hollow] (07/11)
CCC Aah Walkers - Prompt 51 - an attack happens (29/52)
LJ Book Bingo - recced by under_the_silk_tree (12/12) + Complete!

81. Witchmark by CL Polk

In an alternate early 20th century, a consortium of wealthy weather witches rule the country, enslaving those with lesser or different power to act as walking battery sources or condemning them to asylums. One such secondary escapes his family and now works as a doctor, having to conceal his powers, but gets caught up in investigating a murder. There’s a lot going on in this story, and the writer throws you straight into the deep end. There’s a skill to immersing the reader in a world and revealing enough to make it understood without spoonfeeding, and Ms. Polk misses the mark a lot in the early parts of the story. But I found that the characters made up for it, and I was engrossed enough in their interactions to continue until more became clear plot-wise. Overall I liked it and I’ll be continuing with the series.

Dates Read: July 07 to 09, 2023
Page Count: 318

4 out of 5 stars

Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task 18 - read 18 books with a red, white or blue cover (11/18)
CCC Aah Walkers - Prompt 31 - takes place at least partially in a hospital setting (30/52)
Challenge Factory Finish What You Started - July pick
Challenge Factory Give Me 5 pick
Lost Challenges Want To Read Bingo - I23(12/25)

82. Stormsong by CL Polk

The 2nd book in the Kingston Cycle trilogy, this one focuses on Grace, now working with the government to manage the multiple crises that arose from their discoveries in book one. Grace is simply not a very sympathetic character, and she spends the first half of this book actively trying NOT to free the slaves they’ve discovered. She favours slow progress and concessions, and it was understandable from a wealthy politico standpoint while still being incredibly frustrating. Thankfully she grows as a person due to some new relationships. The mystery here was an interesting one too, and I enjoyed the power plays and the introduction of the new character of Severin.

Dates Read: July 09 to 11, 2023
Page Count: 346

4 out of 5 stars

Lost Challenges Pyramid of Books - Task 19 - read 19 books that have an outdoor cover (04/19)
Challenge Factory Finish What You Started - July pick
CCC Ahh Walkers - Prompt 50 - MC has to rescue someone (31/52)


reading challenge: lost challenges, reading challenge: book bingo, author: c, reading: wednesday reading meme, author: j, reading challenge: challenge factory, reading challenge: crazy challenge conne

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