Music Monday!

May 15, 2023 11:02

A while back when I was at Walmart I was going through the $5 DVD bins as I am wont to do and I came across the original The Stand miniseries from the '90s. I went through paroxysms of joy and snatched it up. It's been forrrrrrever since I've seen it, probably not too long after it originally aired. I've since watched the first two parts and I still love it. Yes, some of the acting is faaaaaaaaaar worse than I remember (I'm looking at you, Molly Ringwald) but the vast majority of the casting and acting is *chef's kiss* so perfect. Rob Lowe, Gary Sinise, Adam Storke, Bill Fagerbakke, Ray Walston, you all make me soooo happy.

Anyway, there's a scene in the movie where Adam Storke sings this song, which I love (both the song itself, the scene it's used in, and Adam's brief rendition), so that's today tune.

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Oh, look! Adam's snippet is online!

image Click to view


music: barry mcguire, movie: the stand

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