Music Monday and a lil update

Mar 06, 2023 18:13

I'm back from having a long weekend at Margie and Dan's, where I had a lovely time. Margie made two delicious meals, and on the third night they took me out to dinner as well. I was also spoiled in gift cards AND Margie came up with the idea to let me borrow/have their computer!

It's old as well, and it's been sitting in the back of their closet for a couple of years since they don't use computers at all anymore. We hooked it up and tested it and all seemed fine, and it also seemed to load webpages 87 times faster than the old computer I'm using. I'm a bit nervous about figuring out how to set it up for the WiFi (because technology hates me) and hoping that all that works well, but tonight I'm only going to focus on making a Google Docs list of my links and partially completed fic and everything I can think of that I'll need from this computer. Tomorrow morning after I go to pick up my meds and watch the latest ep of Survivor Australia I'll switch computers and say little prayers to all the Gods that everything works the way it's supposed to!

We watched a LOT of movies this weekend, including one musical, Lyle Lyle Crocodile, which was super cute. Lyle the crocodile can only communicate in song, and his voice is provided by Shawn Mendes (who I only have heard of because an old co-worker looooves him.) Kid has a decent voice, and this was my favourite song from the movie.

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my birthday, fucking technology, music: lyle lyle crocodile, family

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