Wednesday Reading Meme

Jan 25, 2023 01:19

How is it already Wednesday? This week is flying by. It's been a weird one so far. Today we are supposed to get a bit of a snowstorm. Not too crazy, they are predicting about 20 cm/8 inches of snow for my area, which yes is a lot if you have to shovel it or plod through it, but I went out and got everything I needed on Monday so I won't have to do ( Read more... )

reading challenge: lost challenges, reading challenge: book bingo, author: t, author: c, reading: wednesday reading meme, reading challenge: goodreads

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Comments 5

gilda_elise January 25 2023, 13:01:20 UTC
Sorry you didn't enjoy Under the Whispering Door. I guess it's not for everyone.

But at least The End of Men caught your interest. Usually it's men who survive, so it was interesting to read how the other side would handle things. But the fact that only white women were featured never even occurred to me. And I'm Hispanic! *g*


severina2001 January 26 2023, 00:39:42 UTC
Yeah. Win some, lose some. I still rated it "average", so it wasn't a total write-off.

Interesting that you didn't catch that. Dawn, the lady close to retirement, was Black. And then there was that super brief segment with the nanny. But that was, as far as I can recall, all she managed for diversity.


asphaltcowgrrl January 25 2023, 23:25:35 UTC
Somehow, 'not that crazy' followed by 'eight inches' sounds maybe a little crazy? LOL Or so says the desert rat. :D

OOOOH. I love Neil Gaiman and I enjoyed The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I hope you do, too!


severina2001 January 26 2023, 00:43:19 UTC
hahahaha Well, if it's less than a foot here, it's generally nothing to write home about, lol. You know when old people tell stories of their youth of the 'walked to school uphill both ways' ilk? Well, I do remember walking to school in snow that was at least knee high, so. :D

*fingers crossed* on the book!


asphaltcowgrrl January 26 2023, 22:53:27 UTC
I figured you were going to say something like that and it does make sense. Just made me laugh at the idea.

Hope you love it!


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