Snowflake Challenge #6

Jan 13, 2023 22:55

I had fun doing this one. Pictures and videos and lots of rambly thoughts below.

Challenge #6

In your own space, post the results of your fandom scavenger hunt.

Search in your current space, whether brick-and-mortar or digital. Post a picture or description of something that is or represents the following prompts:

1. A favorite character
The only Funkos I own, the Die Hard characters! (For those who don't know, Die Hard is my jam. Except for Die Hard 5, which does not exist. La la la, I can't hear you...) P.S. John needs to be propped up. His bare feet can't support him.

2. Something that makes you laugh
This never fails to make me laugh. I FEEL YOU, KEVIN HART.

image Click to view

3. A bookshelf
I'll give you two. This first one has my puzzles. The top shelf is the ones I've done (plus some of the ones I've done are framed or waiting to be framed) and the second shelf has ones still to do. And then there's books on rest of the shelves (and more books on a smaller bookshelf not pictured.) I do multiple clean sweeps of all my things regularly and through the years I've donated a ton of physical books. I don't plan to buy more or to clean sweep anymore of these. They're here to stay. (Please ignore the spray bottle that clearly did not get put away...)

This one has my DVDs. Yes, I still have DVDs. Yes, I still sometimes buy DVDs, especially when I find them on the sales rack. That's also where I stick my library books and my Kindle and Kobo.

Not pictured: the office supplies/journals/CDs bookshelf. Because I forgot to take a photo of it.

4. A game or hobby you enjoy
My latest puzzle. I don't get as much time to work on them as I would like. I especially love puzzles with cats and books!

5. Something you find comforting
This was my mom's blanket. I think she brought it home with her from a trip, possibly Costa Rica. My sister took it when my mom passed away. She has 8000 blankets, but it's super hard for her to part with anything that belonged to our mom. When I went down in the summer to help her out with some stuff, she asked if I wanted it (she's fine with parting with things if they go to a relative who will take care of them.) I happily said yes, and now it's my snuggling on the sofa in the cold weather blanket.

6. A TV show or movie you hope more people will watch
Again, I'm gonna give you two!

SNOWPIERCER. IT IS SO GOOD, YO. I have told everyone I know to watch this show AND NO ONE DOES. My sister keeps watching other dumb things that she's like, "eh, it's okay," about, yet Snowpiercer sits in her unwatched pile. UGH. EVEN THOUGH I AM THE ONE WHO RECCED UMBRELLA ACADEMY TO HER AND SHE LOVED IT.


So yes, it's loosely based on the Chris Evans movie of the same name, in that there's a climate catastrophe and a bunch of train stowaways who plan a mutiny. It's got a great cast and great character arcs and action and suspense and drama and humour. Give it a try!

Next is THE CHALLENGE. It's been called "America's 5th Sport". Honestly it's just a super fun competition reality show in which the contestants compete in crazy challenges while sharing one big house together, and each week have to nominate players to compete in an elimination challenge. It's more Ninja Warrior than Big Brother, especially since they've toned down a lot of the drama (much of which used to happen because they used to allow basically unlimited alcohol. not so much now.)

The contestants originally only came from MTV shows, but now they cast anyone from reality TV. Some of the fun comes because contestants appear on multiple challenges, so there's long-running alliances and feuds. I started watching only a few seasons ago (I was inspired to search for it when Jay, one of my fave Survivor castmates, was cast on The Challenge), and then went back and watched previous seasons.

ALSO, it's hosted by TJ Lavin, who is fiiiiiine.

TJ is also a COMPLETE BADASS. He was a BMX driver who crashed in his final run in 2010. He had to be placed in a medically induced coma, and when he came out of it he had to relearn everything - how to walk, talk, count, etc. He is such an inspiration to never give up.

image Click to view

7. A piece of clothing you love
I am not normally a fan of T-shirts because my body is weird. I'm pretty normally proportioned on my top half and then my hips and ass are massive, so they never hang right. But I love this one from Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary, especially because it helps support my animal friends. :)

8. A thing from an old fandom
My friend was jeaaaalous.

9. A thing from a new fandom
Ack. I don't really have a NEW fandom. Here, have a kitten!


comm: snowflake challenge

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