Challenge #5
In your own space, tell us about 3 creative/fannish resources, spaces, or communities you use or enjoy. (One or two is fine, especially if you're in a smaller fandom or like many people at the moment, fannishly adrift right now)
For resources, I literally have NONE. I might have to occasionally look up a thing (like what video games were popular in 2007) but nothing where I have a set place that I return to time and again. And I've not written enough in the few historical fandoms I've written in (Black Sails, Vikings) to have it matter. And honestly, I'd probably handwave whatever I could anyway. I HATE research. My biggest fanfic resource is
persnickett, who is always willing to help me. Because she rocks like that.
There are some awesome communities around.
I love
1_million_words because everyone there is so supportive. Also, if you do graphics and fanvids and things like that, you can still join the comm and count your graphics as words.
I love
Goodreads because reading is my number one passion. There are wonderful communities and challenges, and it's a great place to get recs.
I'm active some years more than others, but
smallfandomfest is a fun challenge that runs several times a year for, well, small fandoms. Check it out!