A little time off

Jul 08, 2022 15:42

Working self-employed/freelance means that there's no holiday or vacation pay, no sick days, no paid time off. If I don't work, I don't make money. It used to be that I could take a day off here and there and make it up on the weekend, but there isn't weekend work anymore. BUT my BFF Amy, who lives downstairs and whose house I live in, is having her husband Garry's British family over for 2.5 weeks in August. So they asked me if I was willing to make arrangements to stay with my sister Margie and her husband Dan for that time so that Amy/Garry could then sleep upstairs in my spare room, thus eliminating the need to pay for expensive hotel rooms... and in return they wouldn't charge me rent in August. Margie & Dan agreed. So the rent money that I would normally have to earn in July to pay on August 1st I don't need to have, which means I was able to take some time off for the first time since February 2020. Woot woot!

So I spent the last 4 days with Margie. Her husband is away so it was just the two of us, which was super fun. We watched the premieres of The Amazing Race Canada (we both love it), Big Brother (for her) and The Challenge CBS/USA (the new, probably cleaner and less difficult version of my reality TV show love, MTV's The Challenge, but which Margie was very happy to watch because this version has a lot of BB and Survivor players that she loves.) I also got down on my hands and knees over two days and SCRUBBED her floors. It was quite a job and I was/am quite sore but it was worth it coz it looks phenomenal.

OH! And we watched the rest of The Umbrella Academy. EEEEE.

I also ate tons of her great food. I'll do the Let's Get Healthy post tomorrow, and I reasonably sure I might be back to the drawing board! *shrugs*

Hope everyone has had a lovely week!

tv: the umbrella academy, tv: the challenge, health, family, tv: amazing race, work, apartment

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