Music and a Novel

Jun 27, 2022 18:02

I finished the Goodreads Around The Year Challenge! Woot Woot!

The last prompt for that particular challenge was soooo hard to fill. The prompt was "featuring a woman in STEM" and I went through 8675 Listopias and webpages and lists trying to find something, anything, that I wanted to read. No love. Then I finally remembered that Barbara Hambly has a MC who is a computer programmer. Hallelujah to one of my fave series from 1986!

62. The Silent Tower by Barbara Hambly

Joanna, a computer programmer, is kidnapped and transported through a Void - a rip between dimensions - into a world where magic exists. There, she must trust an eccentric wizard named Antryg who has been accused of spiriting away the realm’s Archmage. There are travels across the land, being hunted by Church Witchfinders and the troops of the mad Regent, and a mystery involving a strange draining of will and hope. Barbara Hambly is one of my favourite authors, and while this book - published in 1986 - has a few non-PC moments and certainly the technology is practically archaic, it still mostly stands the test of time. I truly enjoyed my re-read. Ms. Hambly’s world-building is always impeccable, and I love visiting the magical lands she creates. This one ends on a cliffhanger though, so make sure you can find the sequel, “The Silicon Mage” as well!

Dates Read: June 22 to 26, 2022

4 out of 5 stars
369 pages

Goodreads Around The Year Challenge 11 - about a woman in STEM
** I have filled all 52 prompts and this challenge is now complete!
Lost Challenge June Scavenger Hunt - 1 of remaining 2 words found
** The goal was to find 41 to 50 words. I found 49 words and this challenge is now complete!

Four Moon Challenge 37 - 40+ year old main character (Antryg is 42)
Goodreads ATY Summer Challenge 3D - title includes name of place - 300 points
Lost Challenge Read The Quote 2022 - “O” - Orb

Music Music Music!

Last week I missed Music Monday (stupid computer) so this time I'm bringing you one song, two artists. First up we have Blondie doing the classic, "Rapture".

image Click to view

And then here's Soldier Boy with a blast from the past doing the same song on "Solid Gold" just before his tragic demise. (Also, OMG Waylon Flowers and Madam!! I forgot that act even existed!)

image Click to view


reading challenge: four moon reviews, author: b, reading challenge: lost challenges, actor: jensen ackles, reading challenge: goodreads, music: soldier boy, music: blondie

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